Teeth 16 still.
Height: couldn't get the exact one, he move all the time :p
I called this month - Month of Words.
Seem he like to follow every word that we said. Especially if we sing a song. He could follow us sang "Bapa Trima Kasih" from the beginning to an end.
When the "ABC" song was played, he will followed till alphabet "G", then grumbling with his own word and finished with "me".
He could count number "one to ten".
Hey, he could sing the PapaMama song better now. Wait till I could get the video on how he sing it nowdays :).
When Jesus in the Vessel we can smile at the storm
Setinggi-tingginya langit
Kalau kau senang hati
Bapa trima kasih
Cangkul Cangkul
Tek ko tek ko tek (anak ayam)
Pelangi-pelangi, etc
Josh daily schedule (one day at home)
07.00 Awake - drink water and do his morning call
08.00 Breakfast - Milk can add with cereal, egg, etc
08.30 Having a sun bathing if possible, plus watering the garden.
Otherwise playing around the house.
09.30 Snack time - Juice of broccoli and apple.
10.00 Taking his first bath after all the dirtiness.
10.30 Random Activities with mom.
Follow me on the kitchen
Playing with his toys
Singing, dancing and shouting.
12.00 Lunch time.Must contain carbohydrate, protein, veggie.
12.30 Playing and running around the house
13.30 Napping Time usually 2-3 hours
16.00 Walking around the neighborhood for 45 minutes
17.00 Having a 2nd bath
17.30 Dinner time.
18.00 Waiting Daddy arrived and prepare for nightout if possible
Playing with grandpa and grandma in home
19.00 Having a fruit snack.
Having a night family time in bed
21.00 Drink a milk and Prepare for Sleeping time.
Need 30 minutes in average for Josh to fall asleep.
Favorite fruit of the month: Watermelon
Favorite veggie all the time: Carrot
Something that I wrote on my notes:
Mimicking us - 29Feb2012, Josh woke up and suddenly he put his hand on his right ear and act like holding a phone, then start speaking while looking at me with smiling face.
What my lil funny josh.
On Saturday morning - 24 March 2012 Josh saw the Dino and asked Daddy "Dino, Kasih Air" (Dino, give water).
One Day, Josh want to open Grandfather door, then the maid told him that "Akong Ngak Ada" - (Akong was not inside the room), since then, when Josh couldn't open the door, he will say "Akong Ngak Ada" Hahaha.
On several post, I wrote down about how Josh socialized with a friend. Yes, he do need to learn more on sharing thing. Look how this going on in next few months.
We love you Josh!
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