Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Saturday 29 June 2013

Josh Birthday Cake 2013

As a mom, I wanna do something different this year by making Birthday Cake for Josh.
Josh help me to whisk the egg ^^.
I bake my own cake.
After two time attempt, I could finally make the cream successful. Fuih...
And see, I couldn't make a smooth surface on the cake.

Wondering, what the cake turn out later on.
So here the cake result after messing around the house.
After this trial, I salute more all the people who have them self making a beautiful cake.
Really, that took a lot of patient and creativity. :p
A simple cake for my only son. ^^
I have a plan on celebrating Josh's birthday only with Daddy.
But Daddy inform me that he couldn't make it on time and will be arrived late of night.
So After I finishing my cake, I text my brother and sister to came and celebrate it with Josh.
But suddenly Daddy got home so earlier ^^, wow, the birthday turn out merrier.
Thanks for my family who rush them self to came for lil Josh.

Yeay, I turn 3 now.
Josh and his Akong.
Josh with Pho-Pho
Yeay Full team minus auntie San2. Sorry auntie, it's so sudden.

So here am I, Turn Three now, Thanks to God.


  1. wow keren cake buatan sendiri :)
    bagus kok for first timer.. :)

  2. Hi Bonnita, tampaknya aku akan selalu jadi first timer, tak ada bakat menghias kue hahaha ^^
