Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Wednesday 23 April 2014

DIY - Toilet Paper for Wall Decoration

After school last Monday, teacher told me that Josh might got fever.
And yes, untill today - Wednesday, the 3rd day, his fever still come and go.

To spent time with him during the day, I took out the toilet paper and start trying to make wall decoration.
Joah help me to paint it.

Oh I googling for the idea.

Here the result, i like it ^^.


  1. wah gimana caranya nih? kasih tau step2nya dong hehehe

  2. Hi. Step by step nya yah:
    1. Toilet papernya digunting lebarnya sesuai ukuran yang di mau
    2. Mari mengecat - Aku bareng Josh lakukannya. Josh cat sebisanya, trus aku rapiin.
    3. Tunggu kering dan tinggal pake lem tempel sesuai bentuk yang diinginkan.
    Untuk tunggu lem nya kering, pake jepitan diantara kedua toilet papernya.
    Have fun ^^
