Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Friday 28 June 2013

Funny Order from Josh

Today, while we were on the way to Pho-pho house, we listened to Bruno Mars - Just the way you are.
Daddy sing along also as he knew the lyric.

But Josh told Daddy, "Sudahlah papa, stop"
he keep repeat it until his daddy stop singing.
Yes, his daddy think that Josh want to sing the song.

But then Josh said: "Mama, nyanyilah" (Ma, sing!)
Ok, I follow his order.
and Josh continue with "Papa, tepuk tanganlah" (Pa, clap your hand please).

So according to Josh, mama shall sing and papa clap the hand, not inversely.
We burst out laughing, cause daddy told me, "your son is clever, he knew that his daddy limited voice, better hear his mom sing the song"

Dear Josh, no matter how limited one could sing, but if they sing it sincerely, that far more important.

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