Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Friday 21 June 2013

Sacred Parenting - Chapter 1 - Gary Thomas

How God used to shape us, spiritually speaking

Parenting is two way street!

Why have children?
having kid's is not about us, it's about Him. we are called to bear and raise children for the glory of God.

When we don't understand the purpose of parenting, the process become tedious.

Here a thought:
Let's accept that both marriage and parenting provide many good moments while also challenging us to the very root of our being.
Let's admit that family life tries us as perhaps nothing else does; but let's also accept that, for most of us, this is God's call and part of his plan to perfect us. Once we realize that we are sinners, that the children God has given us are sinners, and that together, as a family, we are to grow toward God, then family life takes on a entirely new purpose and context. It become a sacred enterprise when we finally understand that God can baptize dirty diapers, toddler tantrums and teenagers silence in order to transform us into people who more closely resemble Jesus Christ.

Why parenting?
Why book and what happen book.
Because the "why" eventually drives and even shapes the "how to".
With the wrong "why" our motivation will get skewed, and while the "how to" may be effective, it'll be effectively wrong!

2 Corinthians 7:1
Dear friend, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

Many of us so tempted to focus on purifying our children that we neglect our own spiritual growth.

Parenting is like an airline emergency - Dr. Kevin Leman.

Child centered parent vs God centered parent

A child centered parent goes out of her way as long as her children appreciate her sacrifice. a Child centered parent based his or her action on the kid's response.

A God centered parent, on the other hand, acts out of reverence for God. Regardless of how my children treat me, I know that God wills that I move towards my children, to get engaged in their lives, to offer biblical correction and loving support. It's doesn't matter how they respond to me as much as it matter what God has called me to do.

When God does not supply our motivation, we tend to major in the minor and minor in the majors.

Our own spiritual guest must drive our parenting.

In the Good and the bad they mold our hearts, shape our souls, and invite us to experience God in newer and deeper ways.
Although we may shed many tears along this sacred journey of parenting, numerous blessing await us around every bend in the road.

P.S. If you want to read more about the book, you can brought it on

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