Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Sunday 30 June 2013

Bobo Fair - JCC - 27 June 2013

Thursday midnight, I came with the idea, How about bringing Josh to Bobo Fair.

Bobo Fair held  on Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) from 26 - 30 June 2013.
It's our first Bobo Fair.

After confirmed in the Hospital, I went directly to JCC with Josh.
As taxi need to pay the entrance fee also, we stop at the front gate and walk inside. Looking around and enjoy morning whether is kinda a good thing to do also ^^.

A lot of live performance.
You gotta enjoy the song and dance ^^/, Bobo&Friend, Diatas rata-rata singer, etc.
Hmmm, a lot of company advertisement also. you brought the stuff, you got to play the game, a reasonable price. There were a games area also.
I must admit that The booth was amazing, the company tried their best to advertised them self.
A lot of sales personal staff going around and asked you to brought their product, but that's okay, just refuse it nicely if you didn't interest in their product.
And lot of food sold inside, ice cream, milk, sausage, cookies, nugget, even mineral water, so you won't get hungry, just open your pocket ^^. But still I took a lunch box and fruit for Josh.

Here some of the picture taken.

Next to Entrance Door. Price 10.000IDR
Mama, come, look, Legoland.... Josh kept talking about legoland these days.
You could write about your dream and put it on the torch then you sliding down ^^
You can go to the Bobo Booth, you got a free activities there, and you could took a picture with Bobo wallsheet ^^. So colorful.

Josh seriously stamp the sticker.
Mama look, I have finished it!
Nah, After looking all the booth inside out, Josh nagging me to let him play something.
He then asked me to let him play Taro adventure. I shall brought Taro snack for IDR 25.000 (get 3 bag of Taro and 1 doll) and got 1 play pass. I will gave the Taro snack as a gift for Daddy :p
They put the helmet and light on the lamp when entrance the Cave. Wow, I'm amazed on looking how Josh didn't afraid on getting inside the cave and climb up to the Tree house. Good Job baby. And after he sliding down from the tree house, he rushing to the cave again and repeat the play. The staff look at his eagerness, let him do that one more time :p.

Taro Adventure. - Josh enjoyed the upper view from Tree House.
The 2nd thing that he want to play was the Champina Ferris Wheel then continue with Flying Fox.
Paid IDR 30.000, got 3 ice cream, crayon, 1 photo and 1 play pass. First I thought they will only let Josh played the Ferris Wheel, but hey, they took him out for Flying Fox also. Hmmm, he was the smallest one.
So, instead of asking them turn Josh down, I let Josh tried to play it. And Amazingly, he follow all the order, like hold on the rope and he didn't afraid at all. (I record when Josh play the flying fox).
Josh keep saying that he didn't afraid xixixi.

After playing, I took him out for having his lunch while watch singer competition.
Then we headed back to the main stage.

took a picture with some of company product mascot :p

At the main entrance, there was a sign wrote "don't bring any mineral water bottle", why? Cause you can get it inside, you can buy it and got free picture of you :p.

Then we go to the free experimental booth.
Josh sit on the nails chair
Trying hand battery
Playing Tradisional Indonesia musical instrument (Angklung) 
Here the booth provide all above experimental item.
Near the exit door, there was other Taro adventure - wall climbing. Josh looking at the girl and he said he want to do it also :p. Later on baby, I let you tried it :).

Took a picture with Taro Mascot, Wow so Big.
Josh played the Maze and meet with the Rabbit.
Near the exit door also, there was 15 meter wall track. We brought a car inside area, and Josh was happy to play his car.

Before headed home, Josh asked me for another play. And let him play for 30 minutes.
We want to took taxi home, but no taxi available. Look at Josh waiting on the new chair (initiated by our new Jakarta Governor). After a while, Josh told me that he want to took busway.
Then, yeay, in the middle of working people who rush home, we took the busway. 
Josh sleep in the crowd busway, and I need to carry him, fuih so tired... Anyway, whenever I saw his happy face and his happy statement, I guess I could overcome it.

Sit on Jokowi's Chair ^^

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