Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Monday 23 July 2012

Cheesy Biscuits for Kids

Josh was fall in love once again with biscuits these weeks.
So I searched for the recipe and plucking up my courage to made it real.

I got the recipe from and modified a little bit:
150g/6oz mature grated cheese
100g/4oz plain flour
100g/ 4oz soft butter

Mix all ingredients in a bowl to make a Dough. 
Roll it on the floured surface and make a different shape. You can used a sharp cutter or a cookies mold.
Then baked it 180C until golden colour.

p.s. You will find that the dough easily crushed cause I put more of cheese, but Don't worry, just floured the roll and surface many times :). When you want to take the shaping dough, used a floured knife.

Josh help me during the biscuit making process:
1. Josh help me grated and taste ^^ the cheese
2. Josh love to pour the flour
3. Josh learn to roll the dough
4. Josh also like to shaping the dough by pressing the mold.
Urgg, as my hand full, no one took the picture on how Josh enjoying the making process.

Anyway, here the result: Loveeee it, Love the taste and Love the cute character :) and Love how to spend a time with Josh.

 The Most important thing, Josh like to ate it!. He can learn about the character too.


  1. Wow the biscuits are very cute an look yummy!! Good job mom erlina! Jadi kepingin buat juga hehehe.. harus beli roll-an dough dulu ya.

  2. Hi Bonnita, Thanks :). I'm glad it's turn out nice on first attempts :p.
    You can used a glass bottle or glass without handle of course ^^ for the mean time. While the cookies mold, you can cut it a small triangle, square, etc and used it to introduce a shape :). So what to wait ^^/.

    (Diatas, aku cetak dengan mainan Josh yang sudah tidak terpakai. Awalnya itu untuk cetak lilin, karena jarang dipake, kering lilinnya ^^. Waktu beli di ELC (disc 30% waktu mreka ganti packaging) sudah kepikir sih bakal end up jadi cetakan kue aku in case Josh ngk suka main hehehe ^^. Kemarin masih melihat cetakan itu, tapi harganya normal (brasa mahal euy).
