Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Friday, 25 May 2012

Drinking Time

Have you ever face a difficult time to asked your kids drink even for a water?
For me, water is an essential fluid for our body. Therefore, to keep enough water for Josh is one thing for sure I did everyday.

How much should my toddler drink everyday?
Thanks to who have this topic (last reviewed December2011).
A child between the ages of one and three needs about 1.3 litres of water a day. 
If your child is drinking enough water, his urine will be light coloured or colourless. 

Water plays a vital role in how the body works. The body needs water to:
* maintain body temperature by sweating
* remove waste in the urine
* move nutrients throughout the body.

In addition, good hydration helps children to:
*maintain a healthy weight
*improve concentration
* reduce the risk of chronic disease.
It also helps to reduce common problems like constipation and urinary tract infections

More reading: For mommy who start to introduce water for their baby -> Safe drinking water.

After I knew how important water for my kid body, I try to find a way to maintain the water intake for Josh.
One of them is by Playing!

Source of Picture: Wikipedia.
Before Josh was born, me and Daddy often spending our time for drink a tea.
Daddy brought lot of tea leaves and like to serve it on Traditional Chinese way. We have a set of equipment for doing so. More reading: Chinese Tea Culture

One day, I took this out, and bring the clay tea pot and two tea cups. I filled the clay tea pot with water and asked Josh to pour the water into the cups. Then once it filled, I asked him to drink the water. 
Before it, we did "Kam Pei" :)
And he did drink a lot of water ^^/ Yeay. He have fun with this activity.
Be prepare for a sweat shirt, that why we did this activity on the floor.
If you just have a plastic pot and cup, go ahead with this activity.

What you get from this activity:
1. Josh drink lot of water
2. Josh learn how to pour enough water into a cups.
3. Josh learn to drink from a tea cup.
4. We have our fun activity time together :).

P.S. If you can do it outdoor, that's will be fun also. We did it on area beside our small garden. Nice to have a green scenery.

Kam pei Mama ^^ even for an empty cup.

Let's pour another glass!


  1. wah good idea MOMMY er :)
    iya, terkadang anak kecil males minum air putih, jadi lebih fun kalau kita mengajarinya sambil bermain. lebih gak jenuh :D

    Mommy creative :DD

  2. Thanks mommy renny :). Next time sama Matthew main aktivitas ini bersama. Pasti lebih seru kalo lebih rame :p
