Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Wednesday 25 July 2012

When my son got a Swelling eyes

I forgot to finished this post.
Let me start the story, On Monday 18 June 2012, After napping time, the maid told me that Josh right eyes squinted.
Josh's grandpa who near them also agreed.
Then I took a look nearer, hehhhh, it was a Stye (my 1st conclusion).

My First Aid for Josh
This was the first time for us and I searched information how to handle this kind of thing.
Put a warm towel on the swelling eye regularly, but to think this was so easy to be done, big mistake!.
Josh was run away, crying, when he saw me with a wet towel.
Then I put a Chinese medicine, which I used since I was child whenever I have a Stye, with a hope that will getting better.

The day after, Tuesday, the swelling area became bigger than before. 
I doubt instead of he got Stye, that was other infection happen on his eyes.
The chinese medicine only work for Stye, that why, when this medicine didn't work out, put more assurance to me that this was not stye at all.

After nap time, I decide to seek doctor help.
We went to Jakarta Eye Center in Kedoya - jakarta Barat.
The only eye center that I could think of.
JEC Kedoya is the branch of JEC Menteng and it just opened in april 2012.
I called and asked for the doctor who was available at that time.
We arrived on 6.30pm and we didn't have to wait long.
Being checked by the doctor, Josh was nervous also, but good he didn't cry, seem he knew that we seek help for curing his eye and he shall be cooperative with us for a good result.
Doctor touch, feel the eye area, examine with her magnifying eyeglasses, and conclude that was not stye and this might be something that related to insect poison (e.g. an insect bite).

Seek Doctor Help
The doctor gave a recipe based on his weight:
Biolincom - antibiotic - 4times a day - 2.5ml
Celestamine - anti alergy - 1time a day - 2.5ml
Cendo Statrol - sterile eye drop - 6times a day - one drop

I informed doctor that Josh never have antibiotic before. But considering infection might be there, doctor insist on giving the antibiotic. I just take in mind, the drug was given when the potential benefit justifies the potential risk.
I mean it's better to take antibiotic rather then the infection got worse.

I did search the biolincom on mims -
Indication: Serious infection due to gm+ve susceptible Strep, Pneumococci & Staph (I just knew that name of bacteria, nothing more :p).
Dosage: Children > 1month - 30-60mg/kg body with daily in 3-4 divided doses.
Josh is 12kg at the time.
Based on the weight body, the maximum dosage: 360mg-720mg per day.
Doctor required that Josh took the medicine for 3 days.

After a day, Josh's eye got better -> means the medicine works out.
We continue it till 3 days and the swelling eyes totally gone.
See his eyes after one day took the medicine.
We took him out and even he not smiling like usual,
he seem to enjoyed the night and forgot his swelling eyes for a moment.

P.S. The week later, his eyes seem gave an indication might be swelling again on the left side. Then two weeks later, back to his right eyes. It didn't get worse as the first one.
Therefore, I didn't give any oral medicine this time. I just gave a sterile eyes drop and see whether it work on the first day. And yes, that work out.

I came into conclusion that wasn't insect bite, it was infected by bacteria.
Josh like to rubbing his eyes. Sometime with a dirty hand. 
I couldn't keep cleaning his hand every time he touched something - like floor, window, etc. 
Hey, I'm afraid that he might be a cleanness freak if I keep doing that.
I couldn't prevent him not to used his hand.

What can I do to prevent this happen in the Future:
- Keep Wash his hand regularly, or using a wet tissue (on travel time)
- Warn him not to rub his eyes otherwise his eye will got infected (he did understand that, seem this experience left a deep memory) whenever you saw him want to start it.
- If the eyes really itchy, then put a wet towel on the eyes.

Hope the swelling eyes won't came back anymore. ^^

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