Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Farewell Grandma

There is a time to meet, there is a time to say goodbye.

First time I met with Grandma, she asked me a question with smile, "Have you eat?, Let's eat"
When Grandma touch our hand, she said that our skin was so smooth.
Remembering the time when we (me and Calvin) stayed with Grandma for a week, there was a day when both of us took her for a morning walk. Grandma remember the path that she usually walk in the morning, we just followed her.
Time did flies.

When Grandma met Josh, she said "sui-sui" - "Beautiful" just to express that her opinion. (But mostly Grandma always told us that we are "sui-sui - Beautiful"
We always heard a good thing from Grandma, that the thing that we will miss and shall learn from our Grandma.

Grandma 3 years ago when we celebrated her birthday.

To our dear Grandma, Ama Coh, May you rest in peace.


  1. Turut bebrduka cita ya er.. Grandma sudah damai bersama Bapa disurga.

    uda berapa tahun umurnya? kalau keluarga harya, aku pernah denger cerita dari mamanya, ada keluarganya umurnya uda 90 an meninggal, malah kita nya pake baju merah. soalnya bersyukur diberi umur panjang selama hidupnya :)

    sepertinya coh nya josh uda berumur ya?

    1. Hi renny, thanks yah. Calvin Grandma's 95years 11 months old.
      Yup, personally, it's a privileged that I could met and get knew Calvin's Grandma. Not many people granted such a long age nowdays and I give thanks to God for that. Even Josh could still called "AmaCoh".

  2. Turut berduka cita ya er.. May she rests in peace.
