Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Thursday 3 July 2014

Holiday - Day 10 - Coloring Book Crayola

We spent the day on my mom's house to monitoring my brother condition.

As usual, kids won't stay quite.
He asked me to play Ludo boardgame with him.
The thing that really touch my heart, when he say, "mama, I will congratulate you if you win.".
At first, I guess he might end up with only lips service, but no, he really congratulate me at the end of game. Eventough in the middle end, he stop for a while (again), but after he contemplating him self, he agree to continue when I offer him to finish the game.
I never expect this, but I hope he could keep a good spirit with him.

Then, I search for our old Otoped. Yiaks it's all dirty.
What Josh doing? He clean up with water. Hahaha, of course he like to do it.

While he doing some cleaning, mom search for other thing in drawer and tralaa foung out the gift from years ago from cici Wati. A crayola coloring book.

Why it's kept in drawer?
It's mention 3years+ activity book and I tried it before with Josh, and yeah he didn't really like it. Then I kept it.

Now his reaction, When I gave it to him, he like, "wow, what it's that mommy?"
Quickly open it for me.

See? Don't just give up or push too hard when the first time introduce something to our children. Just let them experience it, explore it. If they like then good. If it's not, than wait. Might be a day, week, month or even one year later.
I just experience a lot when Josh say no, reject, showing dislikeness at first, then become really like, showing eagerness, can't wait expression when it's come to second, third, fourth.... time.
Still they have their favorite and that's okay.

I open it for him and he start to used the pen colouring.
The good thing with this book, colour will only appear in area.
Even sometime you cross the line, the colour will not showed. And because the pen is big size and easy to hold, picture book is also appropriate size for Josh, he could learn to colour inside the line and took little time to finish it compare to usual size of coloring pencil.

He did coloring few picture.
Usually he stop even before one finished.
Funny hah, how kids change. Just enjoyed it :).

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