Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Monday 2 July 2012

2 Years Old Josh

Dear My lil Josh Lemuel Alijaya

Happy Birthday, hip hip hurray. Mama and Papa love you much.
2 years ago, you was gifted into our side.
When the first time we saw you, you were definitively our baby. You have Mama's eyes, and when we saw you cheek, no doubt you were Papa's son.

In a year, you have grown up so fast.
From unbalance walk to Jumping around with happy face.
From eat whatever mom serve you to have your own preference.
From sleep on your mommy arm to fall asleep with your own.
From silent is golden act to imitate every words we spell out.

Before two, you have several lovey, a blanket, Paddy (a teddy bear) and sometime you slept with the ball.

You like to Sing. You like to Dance or Jumping all around when the music on. You like to smile and laugh for a simply thing and that was so good, as we learn to appreciate small little thing from your act. You like to play all over the place.

Your height almost 90cm which means you can start to ride the Merry go Around by your self *hehehe*.
Your weight around 12 Kg, and that showed you get heavier everyday. But that doesn't mean you shall be on diet rejecting mommy food :p.

You know how to sing A-Z, spell One to Ten, you know the colors, shape and learn other things around you. Whenever your uncle bring a guitar, you will asked for "Setinggi-Tingginya langit". Learn about new word everyday.

Mama knew you now on the stage of feeling shy in front of people. That's ok dear, Mama knew you just need a couple minutes before you mingle out with them. Most of the time, even you are hiding behind me, you still offer your hand to greet them, that so nice of you. You are very generous with your smile.

There was a time when you hard to give your stuff - when a learning time come about what is "mine". But there was a time when you learn that playing with other was so much fun. Eating with other was so much fun. You then learn How to Share and that sometime beyond my imagination :).
Mama remember, that one day on Sunday School, when the Mama gave you snack and you saw a little girl beside you starring for the food, Surprisingly you took yours and gave it to her without any order from me.
You can queue on the line for waiting the cake given to you even the other child after you get it first and you will sit back to your chair and enjoy the cake.
Some other time, when playing time, Mama search the toys for you, you then share the toys with other.

You can give your kiss to us just to showed you love us.
You can give your hug to us as you might think it's warm and nice to hug each other. Sometime you even hug me from the back and I felt nothing more than awesome :)

Imitating something will help you learn. But somehow you imitate quite funny action that make us laugh.
Mama remember that you imitate the act from your grandpa who always gargle and sneeze in the morning.
You like to clean up, bring a mop and feather duster.

When we asked you to pray and close your eyes, you will fold your hand and using it to close one of your eye which you still always have the other eye to watch around you *hehehe*. Yes it need a time for you to learn that you just need to close your eyes without your hand helping on it.

Now, you turn two. You might not have any idea why we sang a Happy birthday song for you. When we sang the song "Happy Birthday Josh-Josh" you followed it by sang "Happy Birthday Mama" *LOL*.
But the most important thing, we always pray that you might grow as man who Love God and love his family. You have a heart that listen to the Word of God.
Yes, we pray also that God used us as parent and enable us to each and everyday.

Happy Birthday Son. We love you!

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