Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Friday, 11 May 2012

Activity with Toddler - Making a Rocket - Toilet Paper Roll Craft

I try to used the toilet paper roll for the first time.
Think of making something for boys, then I decided to gave a try for Rocket ^_^

What we need:
1. Toilet Paper Roll.
2. Unused hard paper for the cone and bottom of the rocket.
3. Paint and brush
4. Some available sticker (or Cut some shape on fancy paper and stick into the rocket)

Here what we do:
1. I have prepare the cone and the bottom for the rocket.
2. I let Josh brush the Toilet Paper Roll and let it dry.
3. Let him stamp the sticker on the rocket cone and body.

And Tradaaaaa...  Hope it was not too bad for first trial. Will do another toilet paper craft ^^
I used a "stick it note" for sticking the rocket to window.

I let Josh stamp the mickey (his favorite) on the rocket.


  1. wahh josh pinter...
    ntar ajarin matt ya koko Joshh.... :D

  2. Hi Matt, Koko mah masih dibantu mama :). Nanti yah kalo koko dah mahir, kita buat bareng, yeah :D
