Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Angry Mom and Little Josh

Now days, who didn't know of Angry Bird which is a famous games among all ages.
Some children also make the Angry Bird as their favorite character on their shirt, shoe, bag, toys, etc.

But how about an Angry Mom? I bet no children will like to be with the angry mom moreover to make as favorite one.

One night in April, when we back home, I was craving for food. Then I remember the Ice cream waffle in the refrigerator. I would like to share it with Daddy. Because the refrigerator was broken made the waffle and ice cream melted, so daddy show no interest on it even not a single mouth try for taste it. I felt rejected.
Yes, this was a small thing and Yes, Sometime I got angry easily with the small little thing like this. So I start a debate with daddy about why he refuse to try it.
I raise my tone voice which I didn't recognized this gave a shock to my lil Josh till he came and hug my feet and started to cry.
I felt guilty after that. I got angry for nothing and cause my son shocked and scared.

Now, couldn't we get angry? was anger wrong?
I have read a book "The Sanctification of Emotion" and I read the chapter related to Anger: "Kemarahan dalam Kesucian" - (translate it as "The Purified Anger").
Anger is an instincts. Anger is the fundamental nature, where sometime we are so quickly on expressing it.

"Allah adalah Tuhan yang tidak mudah marah. Jika Allah, sebagai Pribadi tertinggi, tidak mudah marah, mengapa kita boleh mudah marah?
Mengapa Tuhan Allah tidak mudah marah? Itu berarti Dia bisa marah, tetapi Dia tidak mau sembarangan menyatakan kemarahanNya. Jika Tuhan Allah tidak mudah marah, bagaimana mungkin kita yang merupakan ciptaan yang kecil ini boleh sembarangan marah."

I used the Google translator:
God is the God that is not easily angered. If God, as the highest Trinity, not easily angered, why we can easily angered?
Why did the Lord God is not easily angered? That means He can be angry, but Hdid not want to carelessly express His anger. If God is not easily angered, how can we who are these little creatures may be indiscriminate rage.

I remind my self again, that I shall keep learning not easily angered, and if I have too, then I shall learn when is the right time and how to express it in a correct way.

My lil Josh was very sensitive with how I express my emotion.
One day, I want to teach Josh about word of emotion. I did some expression.
I start to Smile and let him know this kind of expression means Smile.
I start to Laugh and let him know this kind of expression means Laugh.
I start to have a serious talk and let him know this kind of expression means I mean it :). He started to look unhappy.
Later on I start to Cry and let him know this kind of expression means Cry. He started to cry with me also.
I just got it that he was thinking that I'm really serious, not on the pretending game. I hug him and told him that mama just pretend to do it, but he didn't understand it.
A lil example showed me how I must be really careful on expressing my emotion and how to communicate with Josh.

P.S. The book titled in Indonesian: Pengudusan Emosi - Pdt. Stephen Tong. Penerbit Momentum.
This is a very good book, please read it.

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