Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Monday, 21 May 2012

Wondering How will Josh call his brother?

Sometime I can suddenly have an silly idea, including to finding the name for our 2nd child.
Ok, I'm not pregnant and I also didn't plan to have another one in near time :p.

For the girl name, both of us have agreed on the same time when we decide our first son name.
Then I think I need to searched for a boy's name in case my 2nd child is a boy.
From a lot of name I was considered, one of them was Timothy.
I plan to called him "Timo" (the O in Timo sound similar to  No).
Then, other silly idea came out, I want to test out, How it sound if Josh (as a big bro) called his brother "Timo".

Mom and Dad: Josh, please call "Timo"

Josh: Timun (in english: cucumber).

Mom and Dad: *laugh* no Josh, not Timun, but TiiiMooo.

Josh: Timun. Timun.

Mom and Dad: ok ok, let choose the other name.

P.S. It didn't means Josh couldn't pronoun the Timo correctly. The reason why he always called "Timun", just because he felt funny and love to see our laugh reaction. Cause after he called "Timun", he also gave you a grinning smile.

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