Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Walk the Talk - Consistency

Raising a kids might be toughs yet bring you happiness.
When Josh was still a baby, I felt a physically challenge - need to awake on the midnight, struggle for fully breastfeed, facing with the baby common problem, etc.
By the time he grown up,
and now as a toddler, I felt the challenge slowly but sure moved to emotional aspect.

Few weeks ago, my friend borrow a book for me, have a content of key points for handling the kids.
One of them is a consistency of your behavior (between word and action)
Beside the book, whenever I read from article on the internet, I might find the article emphasizing the important of parent's consistency in word and action.

When we are consistent, there will be a trust build on child-parent relationship.
From that, we hope our kids have positive behavior, have a good self esteem, etc. Parent wish the best for their kids, don't we?. We might then put the end of result as our goal and purpose for being consistency.

Saturday Oct 20, We went to a small parent group where discuss about marriage from book (Sacred Marriage - Gary Thomas).
Quote from the Book:
"Bagaimana saya dapat mengatakan kepada anak-anak saya bahwa janji Allah mengenai perdamaian pasti ditepati jika mereka melihat bahwa janji saya sendiri tidak berarti apa apa?
Salah satu alasan saya bertekad untuk mempertahankan perkawinan saya bukanlah karena dengan demikian saya akan lebih bahagia (meskipun saya percaya saya akan lebih bahagia); bukan karena saya ingin anak anak saya memiliki rumah yang aman (walaupun saya memang menginginkannya); bukan karena saya akan hancur melihat isteri saya "mulai lagi" (walaupun memang demikian). Alasan pertama  mengapa saya mempertahankan perkawinan saya adalah karena itu adalah tugas saya. Jika hidup saya bertujuan untuk menyampakan pesan Allah kepada dunia, saya tidak ingin melakukan apa apa yang akan menentang pesan itu. dan bagaimana saya dapat menyampaikan perdamaian apabilsa saya mencari perpisahan?
Analogi mengenai perdamaian ini lebih dari sekedar memberikan tujuan pada perkawinan kita. hal itu juga membantu kita untuk mempertahankan tujuan itu, bahkan saat "kilat menyambar"

(I still haven't had the English book, but you can googling the book and look at the Chapter 2).

Suddenly I thought, will that reason shall be the same with the reason of me as a parent being consistent on my word and action towards my son?
As God is a Faithful God, and God keep His promise.
How could I told my son that our God is a Faithful God and keep His promise if I as a parent do broke the promise?
Through our consistency as a parent, we let the children feel that God is a Faithful God in our life.

I'm still learn how to be consistent and how to practice it on my daily life toward Josh.
Walk your Talk.
Pray may God help us and grant us a wisdom as a parent.

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