Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Green Green Green

Many of us might heard about Ecosystem Conservation or Waste Management - 3R - Reduce, Reused and Recycle. Many of us heard about how to keep our green environment. Heard about the impact of waste into our environment.

The Insentive of 3R:
The 3R’s of reduce, reuse and recycle have been considered to be a base of environmental awareness and a way of promoting ecological balance through conscious behavior and choices. It is generally accepted that these patterns of behaviour and consumer choices will lead to savings in materials and energy which will benefit the environment.
Source: Wikipedia

But How many from us who really applied the waste management starting from our home?

So, These days I really want to practice it on my daily life. If it's not today then when?
What little simple thing that I'm going to do? Ok, I start with the Reduce and Reused and I have no capability at this moment for the third R - Recycle.

 * Bring along with you the bag/plastic bag to the Market/Supermarket/Hypermarket.
My experience: On the traditional market, the seller seem to automatically put your belonging into the plastic bag. Even I offer my own plastic bag, they have put on their plastic and then put inside my plastic bag - double plastic. To change a habit is not easy task. Most of the time I still forgot to bring the bag with me, then I just as much as I could on one plastic bag, instead of asking more.

* I barely used the floor cleaner liquid and choose the plain water for cleaning the floor.
The left water, instead for throwing away, I used to watering my plant.
As no chemical on the water (even bit dirty cause cleaning the floor), then I think it's find to throw it on the soil.

* To have a home with many window on the strategic spot became my dream for a long time. Why? I could used the direct sunlight instead open the lamp. -> This surely has to be planned before your home was build/ taken renovation.

Oo I found so many boxes, plastic left, bubble wrap when you brought a new stuff. Some of them, I keep it on my garage room till a period of time, till I'm sure I will not used it.
One of the thing that I made was Cover from bubble wrap for washing machine to protect from the heavy rain cause there were open area next to the washing machine. I got the material from the chair that I brought, I cut it and sew it as I want it. I could open the front loading machine without moving all the cover, just need to open the frond cover ^^. Not easy to find what you wish somehow in the market hehehe. So today, when the heavy rain, my machine stay dry.

One day I found out my garage room floor was dirty, due to dust could came in from the small hole.
As we barely came into the garage room, therefore, I used a plastic to cover the mosquito wire. You see the blue tape? I got it when I brought the refrigerator and I removed it carefully so I could used it again :p.
So today, the floor stay cleaner for longer days.

For the Styrofoam left, I make a box cover with wallpaper left and used it.
For the box left, I plan to make something for Josh to played with.

For the daily waste - I separate the plastic and box type with the food waste type on different disposal bag.
I saw that the collecting disposal worker divided the item on the truck. I wonder what kind of thing shall we done to make them easier on doing the splitting task.

Anyway, that just a little thing that I did and I knew I'm still need to learn a lot for being green.

Good day and Go green everyone!


  1. ah kamu rajin sekali ya!! btw sekarang carrefour udah ga kasih plastik lho..

  2. *blush* hahaha. Tantangan besarnya adalah mengubah kebiasaan dan kadang itu tidak mudah dan buat diri jadi malas dan memilih Stay on the comfort zone :p.

    Beneran yah sudah enggak? Aku belum belanja kesana lagi karena kebetulan tak berada disekitar rumah ku.
    Pernah berkunjung ke tempat asalnya dan disana memang tak disediakan plastik, alhasil aku yang belinya segudang mesti beli plastik sendiri :p, berasa juga harga plastiknya!.

    Lebih lanjutnya, ada kecenderungan lebih boros penggunaan akan sesuatu kalo disediakan banyak. Lupa baca dimana, beli shampoo yang botol besar ternyata tidak lebih hemat dari pada beli botol kecil, karena saat beli botol besar, kita berpikir "wah masih banyak, pakainya banyak dan berasa koq tidak habis habis, dan diperbanyak lagi penggunaannya".
    Demikian juga dengan si plastik. Sering banget dibilang kalo kumpulin plastik untuk tempat buang sampah. Kalo plastiknya semakin banyak, maka penggunaannya juga semakin boros, bahkan terkadang dibuang saja karena terus terang aku pribadi sendiri enggan simpan plastik banyak-banyak.
    So, berpikir lebih baik mengurangi daripada aku boroskan :p.
    Ah koq jadi curcol :p.
    Anyway, thanks for leaving comment ^^.
