Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Monday 5 March 2012

Our Ritual when passing Bundaran Hotel Indonesia

These was our unwritten ritual whenever we passed the Bundaran Hotel Indonesia. You can see the "Welcome monument" in the picture - and to have see more beautiful picture, you can Google it.

As I told in other blog post, Josh love to see the water Fountain, while we couldn't always walking there often.
Therefore whenever our car passing the one of most popular fountain in Jakarta, I always open the car window explain to him what we just saw and to let him hear those water sound, traffic sound to feel a different experience.
These ritual not dangerous as we thought, I did it only for 30seconds and always hold his hand also make sure his body stay inside the car.

I could say, In Jakarta, most of our time almost got trap inside the car. We could play, listen to the music, but we could also just open our window a while to feel the real traffic world out there.

Anyway, Enjoy your day.

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