Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

End of Year 2014, Welcoming 2015

For the very last day of year, how will we spent it?

Usually gather with the family, having dinner, chit chat, and do some talk about life reflection.

Last year, just mom, me, Josh and Calvin dine homemade sushi, then watched a firework in the nearest mall. While bro in Malang, Sista in Bali and the lil Sista viait her friend.

This year, sista in waiting for delivering the baby, the lil sista joined the youth camp in Malang.
But since we heard about Air Asia missing and found debrished, my memory flying back, remind me of how we felt when Daddy pass away.

At that time, we also planned to having a great holiday on chinese new year, but car accident took Daddy and both my cousins.
What you have planned, everything gone in second. What more miserable, while everyone surrounding celebrate the chinese new year, all of our family gather in the funeral house. For some people have thought our family have been punished with so tragic incident.

Therefore, relate to Air Asia, to lose someone who we love in such sudden moment, is really hard. Need time to recover from it and took years.

Thinking about it, I just like to spent my last day of this year in home.
Cook a meals which favour by Daddy, Josh and Mom.
Sit on sofa and spent the night.
Not forget to pray and give thanks for all that we still have.
God owe nothing to us, and we didn't deserve anything, so if we have it today, it all blessing and treasure it.

2014 will pass and 2015 is coming.

Love n Hug

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Josh remember His Uncle

Friday noon time, since Josh having a light fever, he didn't attend the last school day, he spent his time lingering on bed.

Josh snip a bit when I watch my korean drama, where two brother crying.
When I look at Josh, his face turn sad and  teary eyes.
He cried, then I stop the drama, asked him what happen?, why he cried?
While I hug him and he sleep above my body, he mumbling, but I can't understand him.
Josh, do you speak korean or chinese, why I can't understand you?.
Then he slowly talk to me, He sad, cause he think of his uncle.
Uncle who?
Uncle william.
Urggg..... my heart ache and I start crying too....

I talk to him that's oke, we can cry together, but after that, remember, uncle is in Heaven now, we shall not worried anymore.

Never expect that Josh 4.5years old could feel that way.

Book - Detektif Ben

Sesekali, saat menemani Josh ke toko buku, Aku akan mencari buku baru untuk Josh.
Saat Josh sibuk mencari dan melihat buku yang ia sukai, maka mama mulai bergerilya membaca buku cerita yang ada.
Pikiran ku, lebih baik buku yang sama menarik dibaca oleh mama dan Josh, jadi lebih semangat dalam memenuhi permintaan Josh yang suka mengulang buku yang ingin dibaca.

Pertimbangan Buku untuk Josh 4tahun:
1. Plot cerita - sesuai dengan usia.
Tidak terlalu panjang.
Terlalu banyak bumbu dongeng hanya akan mendatangkan PR yang belum saatnya.
2. Gambar - Cukup besar, warna lembut dan karakter yang nyaman dilihat.
3. Tebal tipis nya buku. Terlalu tebal sekali akan membuat ketidaknyaman saat membacakan menjelang tidur (Berat pegang nya ;p terkecuali buku itu benar benar sangat bagus untuk dilewatkan).
Semakin muda usia, aku cenderung memilihkan buku yang tipis dimana satu cerita habis.

Jadi hasil dari perburuan kemarin adalah buku Detektif Ben.
Wow!. Kesan pertama ku. Inilah salah satu buku yang kucari.
Hey, pengarangnya orang Indonesia loo, ini bukan terjemahan buku import.
Ide memperkenalkan "Fakta" mengenai binatang dengan membuat plot cerita harian dimana detektif menyelesaikan kasus-kasus sungguh menarik.
Alur cerita yang mudah dimengerti, menyentuh kisah hari hari di satu kota dan hubungan antara penduduk binatang.
Warna gambar yang lembut, jarak tulisan yang nyaman dibaca, tokoh yang digambarkan menarik mata.
Ditambah buku ini bilingual Indonesia Inggris dengan bahasa Inggris nya yang diterjemahkan dengan baik.
Ada 10kasus dalam satu buku, dan tiap kasus menyajikan hal fakta menarik, tetap dengan tokoh utama Detektif Ben dan Inspektur Frans.
Alhasil, aku pun memboyong buku itu.
Investasi yang bukan untuk hari ini saja.
Selain itu, tiap hari akan ada kasus berbeda yang dibacakan. Seru!

Ternyata memang Josh suka buku pilihan mama. Tiap hari selalu minta dibacakan lanjutannya.
Ada satu malam, saat mama baca, tiba tiba mama tertidur sangking mengantuknya.
Keesokan harinya Josh bisa buka urutan halaman dimana mama mulai terdiam tertidur, dan Josh meminta untuk dibacakan dari halaman itu.

Kalau sudah begitu, mama mengikutinya saja :)

Selamat Membaca ^^/

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Family Day Out - The Stacks Burger

Last week, 14th Dec, we having a family snack time at The Stacks Burger. This was the 2nd time I've been there. Since I like the burger flavour, then I asked my sista and mom to came with us when I saw there coupon sold in Disdus.

Love the place and interior.
Love the meat taste.
Menu varies, and the price was reasonable.
There were board game for children played there.
When finished with the food, yeay, we can always continue with a cup of ice cream LIN, located on the same building.
Most of all, it's complete cause we ate with our family.

Josh's Fingerprint Christmas Tree

This year, we made another Christmas Tree using fingerprint.
The idea, of course, mr google.

Honestly, I'm not creative to think a new activity idea, but that not prevent me for searching the idea then adopt it into our activity list.

What you need:
- Our Finger ^^
- unused frame box, etc
- coloring paint (mostly green)
- a small plate

First, I made the triangle shape using my finger. Then Josh continue it.
He choose another color beside red, i.e. yellow and blue.

After finish, Josh write down, "Merry".
His writing skill improve a lot, though I never expect it. Cause most of his time in home is playing with Lego or running here and there.

Here the result. Love it.

2014 Year End Amadeus Concert - " Hello, Classic!"

A warm welcome that I received at the first time came to youth community, one of them was came from her.
Yups, Peggy, a violinist.

During these days, we barely meet each other. Then, suddenly one night, she asked me whether I want to watch year end Amadeus concert. Since it was located near our area, of course I want it.

It was on 13 December Saturday, at DIS, BSD Tangerang. And I bring Josh with me.

The first time I met Peggy 14 years ago, she already join Yayasan Musik Amadeus. Today, the music school grow bigger, starting 2011, Amadeus goes Brass.

Such a blessing to known Yayasan Amadeus - founder Mrs Grace Sudargo, her music vision for Indonesia. It might not easy to build and maintain the music school also having a concert.

I hope in Indonesia will be a lot of new musician each year.

Thanks Peggy and Amadeus of another music experience. ^^.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Regreat, Reflect, Relieve

Already December 2014?
It's feel like just yesterday December 2013, we have a family moment - my sista got married, busy and happy with all the details. I have year end holiday, a family time with mom, Calvin and Josh in my hometown. And still remember planning for 2014 holiday to Malang in March. Waiting for my bro semester break in January. And suddenly everything run faster when we need to fight together with liver cancer.

December 2014 means it's already 3 months my brother left us.

The hardest part, when we back home, we saw everything still there, except our brother. All medicine, his shirt, book, bed, everything. When we open the refrigerator, we still saw the birthday cake prepared by his friend. All the routine that we done everyday for about 6months suddenly stop. We couldn't laugh, cry, mad, giggling at him anymore. No more his voice, his appearance.

At first we deeply try not to talk about anything.
But when it's too hard to bear, when we talked, more often from my mom, it's all about regreat.
Why we didn't take this move, why didn't try it, why we know it late, why we didn't pay attention more, why, why, and never ending why.
Honestly I did having a conflict with my mom, hearing all the why, also feels like hearing all the blame. I feel so sensitive with all the why.
I want to buried that "Why" deeply, I want to forget it.
Cause I afraid, all my decision regarding to my brother illness, actually can be better. It's means from the start, I always questioning my self about that "Why".
Till one point when my brother left us, I try to stop, asked forgiveness from Lord, and wish for God mercy for helping me relieve from the self regreat.

When I was a child, I think I'm having a happy life.
The first turbulance in the family when my Daddy suddenly decided to move to Jakarta. It's feel hard. I knew when my Daddy need to wake at 2am and sold the cake to midnite mass market. If my mom used to brought my chinese new year dress from mall, now I need to buy it from tradisional market with a cheap price.
One night my Dad went home and shocked because his friend cheat and took away his money. That lil money might not means anything, but that all we have.
But we can endure it, cause we have full as family. There was Dad, Mom, me, bro and 2 lil sisters.

The first thing that happen that make this Family won't be the same anymore was My Dad pass away because of car accident.
Who ever dream about losing the parent? We still in the age of needing them very much. Even till we old, we still wish to having them with us.
For half year I saw my mom kept crying, look like insane person. I couldn't do much, just facing a school task was already a big matter for me at that time.
Once my bro told me that during those day, there one time my mom hug him and cry. There was an incident where my mom money got cheat also. She tought someone will help her, cause she need to feed the child.
Economically, it's harder. Still God always fulfill our need. Not much, not less also. Still there was people in our big family who kept their eyes and help for us.
Again, after years we have used to live without Dad.

I guess 2012 was the years for us. The first ever family outing out of town together.

Then mom got cancer, yet we still have hope and fight together, at least we know the survival rate was at least "years".
This moment open our eyes, you never know when ur life will end, how we live our life then?!.

I guess this also lead to my brother decision for learning theology in 2013.
We was so happy sending him to seminary in August 2013. It was just a year ago.

Who knows what will happen to August 2014?
He didn't attend the seminary, but he lay down in the bed, struggling day to day with the illness, a skinny body, a big tummy, a weak feeling, losing an appetite.

Yes, looking at him, really broke my heart.
When he couldn't bath him self anymore in June, the first time I help him, he sit beside the bed, then using a wash towel, when I touched his body, it was all bone, nothing left.
I wanna cry out loud at that time, but I hold back, cause I think he have cry harder in his heart already. Even calvin having a shock only looking of his body. Even mom never have a courage to wash his body.

With God, facing my brother illness, actually, I couldn't asked for more.
If God given 6months for us, personally I shall be greatful.
I share the story now. In the past when my daddy pass away, I always have one prayer in my life, please, please if possible please never taken someone in my inner family in so sudden way. I'm very afraid of losing someone in that way. At least if possible prepare me for the situation if I need to say another goodbye.

If look at my brother physical condition, we feel very sorry and sad. But how he face his condition till the end, really amazed me. He feel sad cause he know his time will come when he need to say goodbye and seperate with us, yet he never blame God for anything.

I told the story about my brother, at year 98, when my Dad pass away in accident, actually me and my brother on the same car also with 2 cousins.
The accident took my Dad, and both of my cousins. Only left me with my brother.
He was only 14 years old.
The accident could took both of us also, but we have been given another chance of life.
Years after years have been given to my brother till he decided to giving his rest of life for God's work.

When everything over, I look back at my life, what I have done?!.
Looking at my life now, I feel ashamed.
Then, I didn't know how to maintain a better relationship with mom, cause everything seem bit hard, how to comfort my mom, while I couldn't hear her regreat about my brother. I feel depress somehow. There lot's of hard night sleep.

Yet, there God mercy.
When I visiting Malang, I have a chance for having counseling hour in there.
That the first time I told about the relationship between me, mom and my brother, the good and conflict, all discuss.
Even just an hour, I got to sense how my mom might feel, how her past might mold her as today. When it too hard for us to hear her story about our bro, it's ok to asked help from someone else. It need time even years for mourning and all normal.
Me, my self, have my own conflict with mom in my heart.
I need to forgive and forget it first before I could comfort her. I know I would never ever replace my brother place. Yet I wish she could see and accept me and my sisters who always try to do something to comfort her and wish for her happiness.

Another reflect moment was when in one seminar where I got reminded the purpose of creation is to glorify God. Our life to be called for glorify Him. Every person might have a different path, different situation, facing a different challange in life towards this goal.

Now, it was December 2014,
Mom been busy with us also. Me and Josh who got sick, Sista who waiting for baby, lil Sista with her work, a lot of Christmas event.
Mom have try to move on also.

I hope we could do a lil better day by day, have a fighting spirit, love one another, and most important, always seek God will in our life.

~ 7 December 2014

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Chit Chat with Josh - Next Cake

So today, his friend having birthday in school.
I asked his opinion.
He said, all superman, his friend like superman. He got a superman shirt.
Then I aksed him, what do you want for you next birthday cake?
"Boom". Kyaaa... still angry bird theme...
I told him, it's kinda difficult, your cake will be black colour.
Josh: Ma, you can use oreo, just the biscuit, take the white out.
Ma: I make a triangle shape right?(mistakenly think boom is triangle shape).
Josh: Nope, you should make it circle, then put a yellow on the head, then the eyes, bla bla bla...

I'm really amazed of how he told me to make his 'wish' cake.
Think to try it later *grin*

Monday, 1 December 2014

Dessert - Floating Island

The Paris Kitchen - By Rachel Khoo become my new favorite television program whenever I have my time (means whenever the TV was free from Josh).

A simple way to cook, and turn out delicious, somewhat I wish I can do it at home.

So yesterday, after 2 days consecutively fall into sleep all the time, I couldn't closed my eyes pass midnight. Open the TV and yes, the program is airing.

Prepare a pen and paper in hand *grin*.

As Today I can walk and do activity better, I plan to make the dessert - Floating Island.

Here the recipe.

As I didn't have fresh vanilli at the time, I'm using vanilli flavour.
No Icing sugar, so I blended the sugar, It kinda mess up the praline *hehehe*

Anyway, with less and mess here and there, here the result.

What most important?. Josh love it. He said the meringue taste like mashmellow wakakaka.

Balada Campak Jerman - Rubella

Tanggal 9 November, sesudah sekolah minggu, Josh terasa hangat badannya yang menurut papa nya itu karena kurang minum.
Nah benar saja feeling mama, malam hari muncul rash di muka Josh.
Ok, hangat ajah, enggak demam, rash di muka menjalar ke bagian atas badan, tidak ada sariawan dimanapun.
Josh masih heboh lari sana sini, makan minum tidur semua oke.
Hmmm rasa-rasanya koq campak yah.

Kyaaa, ketular dari mana?
Mama, yang namanya virus mah dari mana saja, dan pas kebetulan akhir minggu itu Josh mainnya heboh dan tidak tidur siang.

Sambil pantau, sambil gunain sypmtom checker, sangat positive ini mengarah ke campak jerman, aka rubella.
Tetap per 3 jam pantau suhu.
Tetap lihat kondisi aktivitas nya, kalo mulai rewel berarti mulai red sign ke dokter.

What to do next?
Makan, minum, istirahat yang cukup.
Booast imune dengan makan banyak buah -buahan.
Minum lemon+madu as usual.
Karantina di rumah, alias tidak sekolah selama 6hari sejak rash pertama muncul, karena proses nular antar anak kecil lebih mudah, misal bersin or batuk tidak tutup mulut, alpa cuci tangan. (Walaupun sebenarnya rash belum muncul juga virus itu sudah nemplok di badan dan bisa meninvensi kepada yang lain, tp biasanya siapa yang tahu, kalo badan tidak fit barulah timbul tanda-tandanya).

Sesudah 4 hari rash nya pulang hilang dari satu badan.
Tampaknya tidak ada yang berbeda dari hari biasanya Josh kecuali badan nya memerah saja.

Tanggal 28 November, jumat siang merasa kenapa ini badan pegal sekali, perkiraan pertama, karena hari kamis heboh berenangnya. Mumpung tidak ada Josh yang ikut, plus dapat kacamata renang baru dari papa yang kalo lihat air kolam masih jernih, jadilah brenang tanpa stop mengikuti si papa.
Jumat malam pas bangun, looo muka nya koq memerah, apakah demam? Pas tanya Josh, apakah ada merah-merah di badan mama. Kata Josh, Iya, mama kena virus strawberry kayak Josh.

Kyaaaaa, koq bisa, padahal dirumah Josh sudah sembuh 2mingguan lalu.
Dan menurut cerita pho-pho Josh, semua soal campak dan cacar air sudah pernah kena pas kecil, alias seharusnya sudah ada kekebalan. Tapi mengapa masih? Tanyakan pada mama yang tak pernah jalanin vaksinasi dewasa. *sigh*

Yang kubaca kalo terkena ke anak anak maka gejala yang dialami akan ringan sekali, tapi kalo ke orang dewasa, banyak keluhannya, dan tidak perlu diungkapkan juga betapa bahaya buat ibu hamil trisemester pertama.

Dan yupssss... 2 hari tergeletak di ruang tidur, semua tulang persendian sakit, kepala nyut-nyut, hanya paracetamol menjadi teman pengurang rasa sakit. Dan sesudah itu berlalu, itchy di bagian yang masih memerah.
Koq beda banget yah sama Josh, huaaaa.....
Alhasil habis ini aku ingetin si dede, kamu, go vaksin MMR.

Something to learn,
Kalo sudah lagi berhamburan penyakit di sekitar, immune tubuh adalah yang paling utama. Makan, minum, tidur, gaya hidup, dijaga dengan baik, tentulah tidak mudah goyah diserang oleh virus-virus.
Vaksinasi bukan hanya saat anak-anak, ada untuk dewasa, ditilik sesuai dengan apa yang diperlukan dan ambillah.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Medical Check Up - USG Mamae

Koq tiba tiba kepikir USG?

Sebenarnya sudah sejak tahun lalu (2013) ingin screening kesehatan secara menyeluruh. Terutama saat mama sudah selesai semua proses pengobatan medis nya (kemoterapi dan radiasi).

Kepikirannya adalah ambil paket medical check up dari rumah sakit, karena pasti harga nya jauh lebih bersahabat ketimbang lepas satu per satu. (Tentu sesuai dengan kebutuhan).

Tetapi karena saat William sakit, aku mulai melalukan cek detail fungsi hati dan juga USG abdomen, kemudian pengulangan pap smear, test darah, alhasil, ditahun ini aku tidak mengambil paket.

Namun ada yang dari dulu saya ingin lakukan yakni USG Mammae (Payudara).
Kenapa bukan Mammography? Erhmmm, lupa baca dimana, tapi untuk usia dibawah 35thn, USG cukup.

Jadi saat Josh diliburkan sekolah senin, langsung telepon rumah sakit, tanya dokter radiologi yang available, dan yah, tidak dengan tunggu antri lama sesuai jam janji yang diberikan, langsung dimulai proses pemeriksaan.

Hasil USG: BI-RADS 2.
Cyst on the right Breast (Ukurannya mendekati 1cm dan 0.3cm)

I'm not surprise actually.
Somehow aku memang ada berasa sedikit aneh, tetapi semua penampakan normal.
Waktu dulu menyusui Josh, memang right breast ada yang menyumbat, dan Dsa yang baik itu tetap menyarankan dan mensupport untuk menyusui langsung, dan benar suatu hari, my right breast langsung plong.
Kebayang kalo tidak semangat menyusui langsung...

Cyst sendiri bisa timbul atau hilang karena ada nya pengaruh hormonal dalam tubuh kita, yah bisa dibilang bagaimanapun keadaan yang keluarga kami hadapin sedikit jauh berpengaruh pada kesehatan.

Tidak dipungkiri, sampai saat inipun banyak hari dimana sulit untuk memejamkan mata.

Nah sekarang hubungan dengan tiba tiba konsumsi daun pepaya, ada zat didalam tulang daun pepaya yang bagus untuk melancarkan sumbatan dalam payudara.
Ok soal ini, link yang didapat mungkin ketika mencari banyak yang berasal dari publish pribadi. Tetapi dari membaca baca yang ada, enggak ada salahnya mengkonsumsi daun pepaya seminggu sekali ;) dalam kadar yang cukup.

Manfaat pepaya menurut deptan -
Tulisan Penelitian daun pepaya kaitan yang masih perlu diteliti lebih lanjut untuk pengobatan kanker -

Saran buat teman-teman wanita yang membaca blog ini, lakukanlah screening kesehatan secara berkala.
Cari tahu informasi, terkadang ada yang promo paket medical check up, manfaatkanlah itu.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Iphone Daddy

If I saw Daddy's Iphone, I remember how this phone has accompany us.

In May 2013, where we visited Penang, while waiting for my mom check out from Hospital, Josh played with the phone in bed.
Arrived at the hotel, I realized the phone was missing and I remember the phone might left in the hospital bed.

I walked back to hospital, then asked for missing phone. But no result. The person who clean the bed found nothing.
What to do? I almost cry cause this phone belong to Calvin. I just borrowed it so we could keep chat while in other country.
The craziest idea ever, I told the hospital nurse that I will look into the stack of used bed cover in the laundry room.
at least my heart will feel at ease, I try to do something to erase the suspision.
It's all dirty, but I keep open it one by one.
I almost give up, suddenly something felt down to floor.
Kyaaaaaaa, I'm so happy, it was the phone.

The phone still with us and everytime I saw it, it's just remind how hard I find it back hahaha.

Cerita di Balik Daun Pepaya

Yeah, daun pepaya pahit, jaman kecil masih sempat cicipin pas makan pecel, namun saat ini daun pepaya dikeluarkan dari menu makan karena rasa pahitnya.

Tetapi lidah yang diciptakan bisa mencicipi berbagai rasa pasti bukan tanpa rencana.

Berbagai rasa, asin, asam, manis, pahit, berbagai jenis makanan yang bisa diolah dan dimakan, aku percaya ada guna nya bagi tubuh kita.

Ups, bukan karena sadar ini sih aku jadi mencoba daun pepaya lagi.
Hanya karna habis berkunjung ke dokter dan hasil bincang-bincang sang dokter menyarankan untuk konsumsi daun pepaya seminggu sekali lah.

Karna mendapat wejangan, saat ke toko buah dan melirik bagian sayur mayur, eeeehhh ada daun pepaya, sebungkusan 2ribu rupiah. Dalam hati, beli ajah, ngapain susah susah berpikir mau ajak Josh ke taman belakang metik daun pepaya ;p. Lagipula musim hujan pula.
Sudah macam ada waktunya, pagi-siang terik matahari sampai kulit mengosong (setidaknya jemur baju pasti kering). Mulai siang mendung dan hujan sepanjang waktu sampai sore bahkan malam.

Pulang rumah, langsung kukus buat gadoin makan sama sambal bawang.
Gigitan seuil lembaran pertama, alamakkkkkkk pahit nyaaaaa... itu tertinggal di lidah dan mulut.
Alhasil dari segepok daun, hanya selembar yang dihabiskan.
Bahkan my sista yang biasanya doyan sayur, hanya bisa makan tiga lembar.
Aku bilang ke Daddy, I think I choose "Pare Juice" ketimbang harus nelen daun pepaya.

Wait, something might wrong here.
Menurut my sista, waktu dia makan di warung bebek, rasa daunnya enggak sepahit ini.
Mulailah cari tahu, cara mengurangi pahit daun pepaya.
Banyak cara ternyata, tapi memang dasarnya pilih daun pepaya ku salah, terlalu tua, mestinya rajin ke pasar, cari yang muda.

Nah, sisa daun pepaya mau dibuang sayang, mau direbus, rasanya tak kuat makannya.
Tradaaaaa, ketemu solusinya, ingat tempura, yups, ada daun digoreng kan.
Jadi sebagai makan siang hari ini, kubuatlah tempura daun pepaya :). Dengan telur dan sambal, yummy....

Oiya, rasa tetap pahit, tp setidaknya better. Jangan tanya soal berkurang nutrisinya, pasti iyalah yah digoreng. Hal ini hanya ide untuk lidahku mampu mengakomodir pahitnya daun pepaya tua ini.

Kegunaan daun pepaya? Please google it.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Visiting Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara

Josh have a mid-semester Holiday from 13-15 October 2014. To fulfill my desire and curiosity, in a short time, I plan to visit Malang, and one of my purpose was visiting the Seminary.

Have made appointment with Risma on Monday, No other intention, as just want to know the environment, building, and surrounding.
Arrived bit late, Risma, also Kak Honey and Nana still gave a warm welcome to me and Josh.
Of course, as a stranger, I afraid that Josh might make "ruckus" in a very calm seminary area. *grin*
Before, I heard sharing from Pdt. Martin about the Seminary, that it's felt so quiet and you barely see student walk around since all of them seriously study.

At the moment, I got to met Lu Jia, who wrote a letter to my mom. I'm so thankful, when my mom read the letter, Mom could felt that she's not alone.
These days, we seem tried to avoid mentioning about our brother, as my mom still in a mourning and kept blaming and regretting. Therefore, a letter from other, could talk much to my mom heart.

The first walk into the Seminary, I'm impressed with the building, the word on the wall, etc and also the yellow flowers ^^.
Just look around and then headed to the nearest cafe and they shared a lot about my brother.
After eat time, they showed me each area inside the Seminary.

That how the visiting day end.

At Night, suddenly I start to felt a bit sad, something missing. I miss my brother and his presence when I saw his friends. Why I cancel our plan to visit him last March, he still be there at that time.
I share how I felt with Risma before slept. I think that the end of my visitation.

Just the night before I left Malang, Risma sent a message to me, and asked me whether I could join the Chapel in 9.40 morning. I read the message at 3am and decide to came again.
I told Josh that we will have a Chapel and please don't be noisy. Risma has prepared children book and drawing book for Josh, it's help a lot ^^.
Couldn't express how I gladly felt that I got to experience what my brother has been through in the Seminary.
What really touch to my emotion, was when I got a chance to have one hour counseling. I got to reflect about my self on the session too.
I left Malang with a new healing heart and nothing I could say, than Give Thanks to God.

Some of picture Taken.
Taken from Dining Room Upstair
on the front of Library - avoid to take a look inside, afraid might make a lot of noise

Another Word Art

My favorite spot I guess - Listening to water Flow.
At the Lobby.

Pos Bumi Ayu. Thanks for your care and warm welcome ^^

Friday, 31 October 2014

Dating with Daddy - 4Saxess - Austrian Saxophone Quartet

One day, my friend post about the information on Facebook.
It's been a long time not dating out with Daddy, so taking this chance, I reserved two ticket through email.

It was on Tuesday, 28 October 2014, means I need to wait for Josh's school and taking a shuttle bus to Jakarta and went to Josh's Grandma house.
I told Josh that he will spent the evening with Grandma and he agreed with it.

The concerts started at 7pm at Usmar Ismail Hall.
To anticipate the traffic jam, we went there on 5.30pm from Grogol and guess what, we still arrived at 7pm *tears*. But since they know the traffic, it was started about 15 minutes late.

The concerts was intended to Celebrating 60 Years of Diplomatic Relations. The Austrian Embassy Jakarta invited 4Saxess.

I truly amazed with 4Saxess, How they communicate with Audience, How they played the Saxophone beautifully.
Once, I closed my eyes, count how long they play and took the breath, amazing.
Just funny when one of the player shared about Jakarta weather. It's because Austrian weather is colder then our refrigerator. I can imagine it will be a struggle for them.

Can't describe more, but we really glad we have came despite of the traffic jam and got to enjoyed the concert.

Now I wish to share my concern.
I guess, we live in Indonesia especially Jakarta, somehow have a great blessing, we got to watch a free concert, it was provided, but the problem is, do we really appreciate it?!
At the concert time, people went out while they playing at the stage. Not just once. I mean, come on, it's was for one hour. It was presented by Austrian Embassy, and It's represent our country Indonesia how we being an audience. Hopefully they really have something so much important to do.
Sometime I thought, do/if/why you need to pay to appreciate something?, then the value is on the money, Yes/No?!
Then, from my chair, I saw one person, playing with the smartphone chat and doing things all concert time, hopefully I'm wrong and he was a reporter who need to update the news as soon as possible.
Anyway, we got to freely recorded using our gadget during the concert, that was nice of the organizer who knew we like to kept as a memorable concert.

Back to the performance, From Classic - Mozart, Bach and Singelee (who wrote the first work ever written pieces for saxophone quartet) to more American - Argentine Tango, etc to our Indonesian song "Begawan Solo" and "Cublak-Cublak Suweng".

On 6 November 1814, Antoine Joseph Sax was born in the village of Dinant in Belgium. Over thirty years later, he invented one of the most successful instruments in the world: The SAXOPHONE. ~ source: the concert brochure.
At the end of performance, after two encore, they finished the concert by played the saxophone and walked to the audience. Wow, I guess that's really impressed us.

Beside the concert, I got to met my friend, Peggy. She should have a concert on Thursday 30 October at Goethe "Brassissimo - Amadeus Bras" another free ticket and I couldn't make it as Josh having a Domba Kristus big event - Put the Armour of God.
Got to take picture and wish her the best.

Put the Armor of God - Domba Kristus - 30 Oct to 1Nov 2014

Put The Armor Of GOD

Kyaaa, bisa dikatakan ini minggu yang penuh berkat, walaupun tiap tiap hari selalu diberkati, namun yang spesial kali ini adalah Josh boleh merasakan perjalanan Jelajah Alkitab dan bagaimana pengalaman mengenakan Perlengkapan Senjata Allah secara visual dan real.

Jelajah dimulai dari Penjara Paulus disana mulai diperkenalkan hidup Paulus. 
Ada dua Laskar Prajurit - bisa buat foto ^^/
Memasuki gerbang Efesus. Dikiri kanan ada Peta letak kota Efesus, perkiraan gambar Kota Efesus.
Dilanjutkan mencicipi sedikit makanan khas.
Untuk memulai Jelajah selanjutnya, dibuatlah passport bagi setiap anak.
Jelajah dilanjutkan dengan memasuki Taman Eden, ruang yang disulap (didekor) dengan sedemikian menarik dan indah untuk anak agar berimajinasi bagaimana rasanya di taman Eden dan diceritakan bagaiman kisah awal manusia berdoa.
Semua berlansung di lantai 1.

Pintu Gerbang Efesus
Ruang pembuatan Passport Jelajah Alkitab
Mencoba menggambarkan Taman Eden - Maafkan kamera yang terbatas.
Naik tangga dijelaskan mengenai tokoh-tokoh Alkitab Paulus, Yunus, dan diminta untuk point out apa yah Senjata yang akan dipakai - ada siluet yang ditempel di dinding.
Di lantai dua, masuk ke dalam ruangan, disajikan video tentang Put the Armour of God.
Ber-IkatPinggang-kan Kebenaran.
Ber-Baju Zirah-kan Keadilan.
Ber-Kasut-kan Kerelaan memberitakan Injil.
Perisai Iman.
Ketopong Keselamatan.
Ada bentuk visual nyata dari setiap perlengkapan senjata Allah.

Melewati tangga ke atas, dijelaskan tokoh-tokoh masa kini, John Bunyan, etc.
Masuk ke ruangan di lantai 3,
Wow, ruangan "Maze".
Anak akan dipakaikan Perisai dan Ikat pinggang. Dalam perjalanan akan diberikan stiker dan ada tantangan games nya untuk mendapatkan setiap perlengkapan yang ada. Ada yg dengan menghafal Firman dan menyebutkannya.
Tadi sebagai ortu diberikan kesempatan juga untuk menjelajah di saat semua acara telah selesai, Seru dan Kagum, di tengah-tengah maze tiba tiba ada lemparan bola bola plastik, itu seakan menggambarkan godaan atau serangan yang kita trima dan bagaimana kita menghadapi harus memakai Ketopong Keselamatan, dan Perisai Iman.
Di akhir "maze" diingatkan mengenai Firman Tuhan dan bernyanyi.

Souvenir yang didapat dibuat dengan sangat kreatif. Permainan Ular Tangga yang telah disesuaikan.
Pulang dari sana, Josh menodong mama papa untuk main.

Seru dan Kagum karena pertama kali mengalami bagaimana satu ruko bisa disulap sedemikian rupa untuk anak-anak mengalami suatu perjalanan Alkitab - 5D experience ^_^/. Tiada yang mustahil.
Kagum bagaimana Panitia bekerja dan bekerja untuk mewujudkan hal ini.
Walau awal menunggu terasa penuh tempatnya, tetapi it's worth for the kids.

Percaya bahwa akan ada kesan dan pesan yang ditinggalkan dan ditanamkan didalam hati setiap anak yang datang.

Wish,Wait, and Pray for the Next.

Josh and Friends.
Souvenir, Passport dan Seputar Domba Kristus.
Salah satu kartu yang harus diambil.
(ada Kartu Hijau, Merah dan Kuning dengan perintah didalamnya,
dan ada kartu Imun )
Sehabis Pulang langsung main.
Ehh.. ternyata Josh pula yang Finish duluan. Happy Boy!
PS. Semoga masih bisa mengupload foto ruangan lain ^^/

Sunday, 26 October 2014

DK coming Home

23 October, we have been given an opportunity to welcoming Josh's friend from Domba Kristus.

Josh was very entusiactic. He has been waiting from Monday when I told him for the first time that we gonna have a class in our home. Josh brought Pokky snack from market and he said that he want to shared it with DK friend.
Then after a nap time, he asked me, when they comes, I will give my Pokky?. "Ehhh Josh, today is monday, they will comes on thursday baby. You can eat your Pokky first, if you want to." He look doubt but at the end he ate it *grin*

On the day, Josh help to prepare the mat, and he wait passionately starring out behind the window.
Few times we guess wrongly car sound.
When they come, Josh really happy.

They sing, and listen well to the bible story.
Eventhough there was a time Josh upset and cried cause one of the friend took the small pillow from him, but that a good lesson to learn how to deal with situation.
There was a game played, choosing ball and execute the order and that was so simply creative and so much fun.
We also celebrate friend birthday.
At the end of the class, it was raining.
Thanks for all teacher (Bu Yayan, Bu Christine, Bu Marlys) who really patient and with a sincere heart guide and teach the children every week in the class.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Daun Cincau Hijau - Tanaman Merambat "Creepers Plant"

One day, I starred at my fence then wished for a green creepers with a beautiful flower grow at it.

I went to asked for the seed in one school, but it failed to grow.

Suddenly a green leaves plant start to grow. Have no choice, I halfhearted arranged it on my fence.

The plant was the last one I watered it everyday. I ever think to replace it with other creepers.

Then, when my aunt visit my house, she told me that leaves was "Daun Cincau Hijau", the main ingredient to make green jelly.

My aunt want to showed us how to make it, but never accomplised as that the day my brother pass away.

So never think about the leaves, until teacher from Domba Kristus once again convince me that leaves was truly "Daun Cincau". I told her that I just think this was a leaves that grow everywhere.

After twice heard about the leaves, this friday morning, after search on the internet, I picked the leaves. Choose the young one, soaked and squeeze in the drinkable water, filter it and put the green water on the refrigerator.

Voilaaa, you get green jelly, eat it simply with honey. Daddy used to brought it, but when he taste the one that I made, he like it.

You can eat with brown sugar and coconut milk also.

Now, I fall in love with the leaves, never tought something I neglect before is something valuable.

Seem I will check every leaves before I root up the plant *hahaha*