Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

When N (ngak mau - No) become the letter of the day

Josh, come and take a bath? "Ngaaak mau - Noooo", shake his head and hand for rejection.
Josh, come and let having a lunch? "Ngaaak mau - Noooo"
Josh, come and playing with mama? "Ngaaak mau - Noooo"

When that powerful letter become the letter of the day, I must double the power supply to my weapon :p and hope it filled with patient, wisdom and lot of idea.
I have search a tips for handling the letter "N" and click here to read more on Getting Past No

From all the tips offered, Here what I usually did for Josh, where sometimes it work, but sometime totally failed.
1. Offer a choices
For example: Having a lunch, I offer him
alternative a. Eat with spoon Or with chopstick
alternative b. Want me to feed him Or self feeding
All alternative drive into one purpose, having a lunch, and which one he end up choosing with, we definitively agree and let him try.
Never offer something that we didn't want him to do.  For example: Want to eat or want to starving. If he choose want to starving, then we might end up with NO :p.

2. Walk Away
When I offered Josh to take bath and he say No, usually I said "Ok Josh, mommy take the bath first, it will so much fun when mommy can have the bubble bath".
Josh like be quiet for a while (*thinking*) then he followed me and repeat "Buubeell- buubeell"

Beside was the picture where Josh ate the Cherry.
We knew he love cherry, but whenever No became a favorite word, you'll get No for everything!
So when he saw me came with the plate, he refuse it with his hand and grumble. Then I left the plate on the table and walk away and said clearly "Josh, ate the cherry, you'll love it".
He saw red cherries and start to play with it. Then I said "Ate it please". 
Surprising, he start to ate it and finished it.
From this simple thing, I learn, as a parent sometime I forgot he was not a baby anymore, he grown up and I need to let him learn to take a decision day by day.(start from a limited choice of course where we sure that for their own good)  

Above was just a practical tips.
At the end, to change from the inside was more important where requesting our commitment and time.
With patient we shall give a honest explanation with a constant repetition to let Josh know what God love him to do and Hope someday he changed.

Have a great day! Never give up mommies.

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