Lot's of stories about our lil Josh.
In summary, he grown up lot!. He more independent than I thought. Understanding yet rebellious, Passionate yet frigid during day by day interaction with me.
Somehow I felt Josh upset with me. I'm sorry dear Josh, your mother still learn to became a good child, wife and mother and still far from perfect, did lot mistake and need to keep learning.
So here bit update of Josh action as far as I could remember ^^.
Admire him self:
Seeing his own video and starting to comment everything that he saw -> the bird, the water, bla bla bla...
He like to run nakedly on our house. It hard to have him wear his cloths once he run away.
Then I said to him, let me take your picture naked, will you?
Ehhh, he suddenly came to me and start to wore his cloths.
One night he saw his daddy cut an over carpet rope. The day after, he took a scissors on the table, and when I saw it, he cut the carpet like a gardener cut the grass. Argggggg..........
(oo, Josh familiar with the scissors during our activity time and he did understand the dangerous of scissors).
He spill the water into the floor. I bring a floor mop and let him knew that he shall clean it.
Ehhh,.. he bring the mop away, when I saw it, he did clean the wet table.
Favorite thing to do:
Guess what? -> Brush his teeth!
Somehow he refuse whenever I asked him to clean him self, but when I said "Let brush your teeth"....
He arrived faster than me!.
Doing House hold cores:
Help me to wash the dishes. Love the water and bubble.
Yes, it took a longer time to finish the task, and somehow I felt bothered with him around me when I need to do it fast, but I came to think, If I didn't teach him, who will?
Could help me to put the dirty cloth into basket or washing machine, but he barely want to clean his toys. *sigh*. For this one, usually I make a game, then asked him to took all his toys back to playing room.
Cutie Josh:
When he want something, he will say "satu ajah yah, satu ajah yah - just one yah, just one yah". When he asked for the second one, he will say the similar word "satu ajah yah, satu ajah ya - just one yah".
My dear Josh, if mama keep giving you "satu ajah yah", it's means alot at the end :p
I never knew where he learn this, but he like to stand on the fence and let him head out, and shouting "Sate, satu ajah yah, sate satu ajah yah"... Sate -skewered pieces of meat roasted over coals (xamux.com).
He barely want me to took a picture of him. But whenever we all took a picture with timer, he start to action too.
Good thing about Josh:
When he played on the playground, I saw he could wait on line. While most of other kids didn't want to wait. Hey dear, keep do the good thing okay.
When he want to sleep, he prefer me to sleep with him (he said: mama ajah yah) -> Why? Cause he could request a song from me ^^ and he followed it.
While morning time, he prefer with his dad - may be cause he saw mommy didn't awake when he called :p
fuih..... i think everyday I heard a word like this "Ini mama punya, Ini papa punya, Ini auntie punya, Ini koko punya, Ini Josh josh punya, ........." - (this belong to mama, this belong to papa... etc). If you are not a person who own the stuff, he didn't allow you to take it.
Ability to tell me the activity on the book.
When we read a book, I point the picture, he will tell me shortly what the kid's do.
lagi berdoa, lagi duduk, lagi coret coret (kalo lihat orang pegang pensil warna - upss mesti diajarin lagi gambar kali yak), lagi makan, ketawa, etc....
Suka heboh sendiri.
Untungnya masih mau diajak family kiss n hug.
SEdihnya, dia suka ajak pho pho main, tapi pho pho lagi sakit..
Dia naik ke tangga, sambil panggil pho pho, pho pho... biasanya pho pho nyahut dan cari dia.. kali ini pho pho tiduran di kamar..
November 28
Josh lagi main sama mama, trus lihat tempe orek telah siap, lgsg cemal cemil tempe orek, dipanggil-panggil sama grandma nya, tak disaut, duduk ajah dimeja makan sambil makan tempe :p.
Novembr 27
Josh dirumah sakit. tiba tiba teriak dari kamar mandi, ternyata tangannya sempat ketekan pintu dan dia ngk bisa keluar, akhirnya nangis deh minta tolong. Sesudah itu, tak ada lagi acara masuk ke kamar mandi sendirian. Diomongin kadang susah, mesti pengalaman sendiri.
Josh dilema - diajak papa pergi tak mau. tapi pas papanya pergi, nangis sambil tutup mukanya, akhirnya balik kejar kejar papanya lagi.
Selama Pho-pho sakit, surprisingly, tidak ada cubitan lagi kepada pho pho.
Dia paham harus sayang pho-phonya.
Mama: Josh, pho pho kenapa?
Josh: Pho pho sakit
MAma: pho pho ke dokter siapa?
Josh: Dokter sigit yah
Bisa ajah si Josh diajak komunikasi sekarang.
Pagi-pagi Josh bangun, pas mama lagi buka kulkas mau buat jus, si Josh lgsg ambil bungkusan permen mama.
Tapi dia ngk minta ke mama, dia lari ke kamar pho-pho, kasih ke pho-pho trus cium pho-pho nya... wallah.. pinter amat yak, ambil hati dulu sebelum minta dibukain permen.
Bisa bilang no-candy, but when he saw it, coulnd't get rid of it.,
November 16,
Mau egh egh...
Yah sudah, sini sama mama ke wc.
Josh: ngak, sama papa ajah. Sambil jalan ke papa.
Sudah bisa menentukan preferensi dia dengan siapa sesuai dengan kebiasaan.
November 15,
We did have a short conversation:
Josh mau makan?
Makan apa?
Makan nasi.
sama apa?
sayur yah.
hmmmm... bingung si josh mau makan apa lagi.
Josh saat berenang pertama kali terbalik, kepala badan dibawah sedangkan kaki diatas.
Tapi untungnya pas dia dibalik, dia tidak kaget. Dia cuma bilang "Keluar yah ban nya - maksudnya dia keluar dari ban"
Berendam dengan berbagai gaya, sambil terlentang, sambil berleha di ban trus ambil pasir buat main.
Afternoon time:
Josh: where is papa?
Me: Papa sleep on the room.
Josh run to the room and papa carry Josh to the bed
Josh: Nooo, papa back to sleep, and he run out, left his dad to sleep again.
To the book store, we let him choose want he want.
But he someone not insisting to one stuff, if we change it with a better one, so far he could accept it.
Will be very happy when we paid the stuff.
When mommy having a hair cut.
Pa: JOsh let's took a walk, daddy feel sleepy.
Josh: Noo, I want to be with mommy.
Ma: Pa, your child look faithful to me than you. ^^
November 14,
He could jump from the pool side and he have fun with it.
November 10
Josh kept calling me "mama elina" when he learn to remember my name.
Love Hi Five - kid's series
While on the phone, I asked Josh, how to loving papa. He did it by caring the phone.
Showing of family picture to Josh. Instead teach him about calling uncle and auntie, I move forward to teach the name of each person.
Mama: Josh, this is Uncle william
Josh: uncle wilam,
Then I continue till 3 person.
I asked him again, Who is this JOsh (point to uncle)
Josh: Uncle.
Mama: what is his name?
Josh: Uncle Josh Josh :p (Ok, Josh, he is definitely your uncle.)
p.s. But now he could remember name of the person correctly.
Mama: JOsh please open the window
Josh go directly to the window and open it.
While he did it correctly, I praise him "Wow, you doing great".
Josh will gave you his shyly smile :p
Last time I left Josh with his grandpa and grandma. They bring him along when they sent Adison home to Kelapa Gading. That both brother cry when they need to say goodbye. Grandpa told us that Josh cry a long the way back home, till he saw a Oil Station. Suddenly he stop crying, and point it and told Grandpa "Pom bensin yah". GRandpa and GRandma laugh together as that's so unpredictable.
p.s. But now he could remember name of the person correctly.
Mama: JOsh please open the window
Josh go directly to the window and open it.
While he did it correctly, I praise him "Wow, you doing great".
Josh will gave you his shyly smile :p
Last time I left Josh with his grandpa and grandma. They bring him along when they sent Adison home to Kelapa Gading. That both brother cry when they need to say goodbye. Grandpa told us that Josh cry a long the way back home, till he saw a Oil Station. Suddenly he stop crying, and point it and told Grandpa "Pom bensin yah". GRandpa and GRandma laugh together as that's so unpredictable.