Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Morning talk with Josh

Dear Josh, you may be laugh one day when you read this post again, how you start to answered us.

This morning as usual, Daddy read for you a morning quiet time verse and close with prayer.
Before you go to school, I asked you again, what the bible said?

We always give you a hint for you to remind it again.
But this time, you answered us: "the Word, It's already in my heart." So you can't talk it out again.
Then you smile, cause you think you have give the best answered.

Daddy told you, Josh, if you listened it and then couldn't tell it out, it's means, you forget it already "Masuk kuping kiri keluar kuping kanan".
If the Word get into your heart, it's means you can talk it out for other.

My lil Josh, we all learn and we all keep forgetting. But let us remind the good thing of each other.
Love you.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Video - Trying to Wear my Pant - 2 Year Old Josh

First time, I took a record when I let him try to wear his pant, at first he failed, but he keep try it and end up successful.
A Flashback memory.
Hope when Josh could understand the meaning of this video, he learn that everything has a first step.
We might fail, but we could choose to try it again instead of giving up.
Of course, we shall surrender for the result.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Spring ladies

A Very Late Post.

Saat aku masih dalam masa keberdukaan yang berlangsung walau sudah berjalan hampir setengah tahun kehilangan seorang adik tercinta, entah mengapa aku melihat acara ini.

SprinG for Ladies.

SprinG stand for Spiritual Renewal in God.

Yang menjadi pesertanya adalah wanita, dan akan berlangsung selama satu hari dimana akan lebih banyak quiet time.

Setelah memikirkan bahwa aku membutuhkan satu waktu time out, aku pun membicarakan pada Calvin untuk mengatur bagaimana jadwal Josh hari itu, dan ternyata Calvin mengiyakan untuk membantu mengurus Josh.

Ada pembagian group, ada waktu quiet time, dan ada waktu diskusi group.
Satu hari retreat yang membawa satu perefleksian terhadap diri sendiri.

Secara pribadi aku merasakan bahwa selama ini aku terlalu takut untuk mengeluarkan emosi/perasaan saat berelasi kepada Tuhan. Segala sesuatu dibawa terlalu rasional dan terkadang jatuh dalam kedinginan, hanya ada didalam kepala, namun bagaimana dengan hati?!. Bukankah perasaan yang ada juga diberikan oleh Tuhan, bukankah itu juga berarti aku seharusnya dapat mengungkapkan perasaan hatiku dengan benar tentunya.

Mengingat bagaimana Daud yang telah menjadi raja, saat mengiringi tabut perjanjian Allah, dia menyanyi dengan riang, bersuka cita. Aku merefleksikan diriku lagi bagaimana yah pujian penyembahanku.

Hal lainnya saat membahas mengenai Yeremia. Tentang tujuan hidup dan bagaimana harusnya hidupku sekarang ini.
Saya hanyalah tanah liat di tangan Tuhan.
Sebelum menjadi tanah liat, maka yang lain tidak akan bekerja.
Menyerahkan diri sebagai tanah liat dihadapan Tuhan artinya rela dibentuk dengan cara apapun. Relakah?

Jika Tuhan adalah Pemilik dari segala Ciptaan. Maka artinya:
Pencipta: pemberi tujuan dan aturan main.
Pemilik: saya hanya hamba dan pengelola milikNya.
Tuan: Allah, yang harus saya puaskan.

Refleksi bagiku saat membesarkan anak. Siapa yg Tuhan percayakan, itu punya Tuhan.
Apakah dalam membesarkan anak, aku memikirkan rencana Tuhan bagi Josh, atau aku hanya memikirkan rencanaku saja? Apakah aku sudah mempersiapkan Josh dalam pengenalan akan Tuhan?

Matius 5:16
Yohanes 15:8
Cara Tuhan berkarya berbeda, contohnya melalui Musa dan Yosua. 
Waktu Musa, air dibelah dahulu baru berjalan, tapi saat Yosua, air belum kering tetapi melangkah dulu. Yosua 4:9, 21-24. 
Bergantung pada Tuhan, walau didepan belum kelihatan.
Urusan Tuhan adalah dengan kita sendiri. Masing masing ada kerjaannya.
Setiap detik pastikan jadi pengelola dan setia. Semua adalah soal Tuhan bukan soal saya.
dan Semua ada didalam kendali Tuhan. Sudahkah hidupku berpegang pada kedaulatan Tuhan?

Sungguh sebuah pengalaman yang berharga.

2Days1Night Holiday in Puncak

Friday last week, got Josh's weekly schedule and found out that he will holiday on Wednesday also.
It's same with Daddy.
At first, I didn't plan to have out of town holiday, but then everything changed since the schedule match it.

Where to Go?
We choose Puncak over Anyer or Bandung, due to weather and distance. We want a fresh cold weather since Jakarta has been in high temperature for recent time. Considering the distance, the nearest one is Puncak.

Where to Sleep?
First we want to try Pesona Alam, might be the newest one, but all the room fully booked for Wednesday, then we switch to Seruni 3, Gunung Salak.

Review of our Stay.
We stayed for one night, we got the room on 443, as we choose the highest floor.
The mountain view during day and night time behind the huge glass window was one of the great thing.
The room is spacious. The facilities provided is all ok.
But, because we stayed a day before moeslim Idul Adha day, at night till morning we could hear they were praying through loudspeaker. The room is not fully sound proof cause it's didn't have an aircon, For people who seek a quiet place, I think if might be ok for the other day.
Breakfast was ok.
We try the swimming pool in the morning, the water not too clean, and the fountain water in the pool was not switch on. Don't know whether it's will be on the weekend only, but considering our stay was on the holiday season, they should somehow set it on?!
Overall, all it's ok.

Where we Eat?
After stay, we concern about eating :).
Calvin drive from Jakarta at 6am, and we arrived in Puncak area around 7.30am.
We headed to Puncak Pass and Cipanas Area, we find Amen Express restaurant, which already open from 7am everyday. We ordered Dimsum and Noodle and Porridge. For the price and quality, it's ok :). Will be back if we stayed in Puncak again.

After visiting Taman Cibodas, on the way back, we drop in Bumi Aki Restaurant.
The view from the Restaurant was nice. Nice means, you got an open air and see the mountain :).
Ordered, Gurame Bakar, Sate Ayam, Tongseng Kambing, Gado-Gado, Tempe Mendoan, etc, all the taste was nice, only it's to spicy for me and Josh.
One thing that brother me, all eating place allowed you to smoke, and it's completely mess up the meal if someone smoke beside you. We just want to breath the fresh air, and suddenly it's combine with smoke? hmmm....
We need to search for table which the guest beside us was not put the cigarette on the table.
Yes, we find it out sit beside the girl table, but hey, at the end of meal, even the girl smoke, ups.... can't judge the book by it's cover >.<.

We have checked in Hotel, and the traffic for the night was all red in transport application.
We heard from one of our friend, we could order outside food, and yes, we end up ordered KFC delivery. At least we didn't need to trap in the jam.

The Next Day, We have late lunch in Bumi Nini (still related to Bumi Aki), and Cimory Mountain View. Food taste better in Bumi Nini for it's not to spicy, and in Cimory, food so so, only for hang out.

Where do we Visit in Puncak?
As Calvin, Josh and Mom never visiting inside Cibodas waterfall, we headed there. Lil thing, I was mistakenly bring them to a small waterfall, instead as the one I tought. Later on I have found out, I shall go the Cibereum Waterfall.

The next day, after check out, we going down and try to visit Curug Cilember.
Cause it's on holiday season, it's just too crowd.
From the entrance to Curug 7, the track still ok. But to continue to the next curug, not recommended for small children or elders, a steep slope along the way.
I try it with Josh, and I feel proud of lil Josh, he could follow me and even it's hard, he keep continuing it till the end.

Overall, we got to experience a new things. I wish one day we could go camping together in the mountain.
Wait for it!

First Stop: Amen Express Resto

otw Cibodas Waterfall

Cibodas Waterfall
Arrived, all lay on the bed. on the top floor, a very nice view
view at night from our room
Swimming at the morning. Brrrrr so cold but refreshing

Entrance to Cilember Waterfall
Camping area

Josh in Action

Ok, Let's pick up pho-pho and papa.

I have my own Clothing Style - 5 years old Josh

Usually I'm the one preparing his cloth. But starting school this semester, I start to let him take his own home outfit.
Yes, the drawer get messy all the time, but   it's worth it.

Even at midnight, when he go to pee and make his pant wet, he could take his new pijama and change it.
He didn't wake me up now.

Today, we will go for piano lesson, suddenly at door, he said he want to change his cloth, he was not comfortable with the one that I choose.
That the first time he didn't agree with my choosen outfit.
I stopped and freeze for a while.
And being realize again that he grown up in his will.

I want him to change his cloth, but might be late for piano lesson.
So I let him know that next time I will let him choose his outfit all the time.

Kutu Daun Putih - Oh tanaman ku

Sesudah sebelumnya melakukan penanaman di pot, saat ini aku memindahkannya di tanah taman di depan rumah.

Daun daun caisim dan pokcoy mulai bertambah besar dengan pesat saat dipindahkan, tapi, urgggg koq tiba tiba daun nya ada garis-garis putih yah.
Koq tanaman kacang panjang juga tiba tiba semua daun cepat menguning yah, wadowwwwww, serangan hama apalagi ini...

Mulai browsing dan yang paling mendekati adalah serangan kutu daun putih.
Hiksssss.... sedihnya.
Karena tanaman ini daunnya akan kita konsumsi, aku menghindari pestisida non alami.
Jadilah aku cari cari mana pestisida alami yang bisa digunakan.

Air cabai.
Penyemprotan pertama menggunakan air cabai, namun tidak maksimal.
Ada beberapa bahan alami lainnya lagi, bawang putih, daun pepaya, etc.
Akan kucoba kembali, dan nantinya akan diupdate hasil terhadap pestisida alami ini.

So far, aku hanya membuang daun yg terserang.

Untukku pribadi, selain benar merawat tanaman untuk dikonsumsi, satu hal lain aku belajar merawat hatiku.
Saat tanaman berbuah subur karena dirawat, saat tanaman tanaman diserang hama, aku melihat bagaimana hatiku, hidup rohaniku, apakah juga sudah perawatannya sudah kukerjakan dengan baik.

So kutu daun putih, aku takkan menyerah juga :p. Fighting!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Brotherhood - Water Fun in Garden

These days the wheather was extreamly hot for me.
I prefer to stay at home.

After Sunday Service, we have lunch together with Josh's Grandpa and Grandma.
Arrived at home, Josh was surprise koko Adison welcome him.

They started to play with kinetic sand brought by koko Adison.

While wait for them, I remember I need to took the green grass.
While I digging the soil and watering it, both of them came, and Josh started to took over it.

Adison saw, and they started to play with water.
Saw they happy face. Love it.
The garden being watered also they got the play.

My new Hair

As usual, mom try to cut my hair. She want to try a new style, but end up with daddy bring me to barber shop.

I still like my new hair, even mommy look sad cause she miss her lil boy look.

Chit Chat with Josh

Nowdays we talked a lot, about everything, a word become a sentence and become a story.

Yesterday we spent one day off just three of us.
During our shopping time, (as I barely brought something to my self if I go by my self), Josh who was impatient, run and hit daddy on his back.
Dad who usually could handle it, now felt hurt.
I told Josh, never do that again, don't hit someone at the back, you might hit daddy internal organ.
Yes, if the internal organ hurt, daddy could get sick, if it worse and couldn't be cured, daddy could pass away.
Josh: if daddy pass away means we couldn't have money?
(Cause we are in the middle of walking, I'm quite surprise of his answer. I honestly never point about daddy earn money for us. Yes I do told that daddy work, and can pay the school fees. May be he got the point from there. But I also point that we all have responsibility. Means he shall keep learning because he have been blessed with an opportunity for attend the school, or piano lesson etc.).
Me who still on walk: No Josh, it's not about money. But mom will missing daddy.
Josh: why?
Me: Mom will miss partner in life.
Josh: How about me mom, you still have me even daddy not there?
Me: You are my son, Daddy is my partner. It's bit different Josh.
Josh then quietly finish the talk while we on the walk. Because we were in hurry, I didn't continue it.

Now when I remember the talk, I think i need to take time again to doing a chit chat with Josh.
I felt I'm not properly explain it on the spot.
I know some of his answer was taking some part of our answer.
Let says I told him, like uncle when pass away, you can feel sad but you still have God, you still have mom or dad, etc.
So Josh easily answered me that I still have him when daddy was not here anymore.

For 5 years old kid, I felt their brain like comprises of all things, they can be mix and match, which somehow surprise me.
Need God grace everyday to wisely answered Josh.