Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Monday, 13 February 2017

Josh dan Baptisan Anak

Post yang tertunda namun salah satu yang terpenting dalam moment hidup Josh - Baptisan Anak.

Sesungguhnya Baptisan anak bisa dimulai dari sejak usia bayi, dimana menjadi tanda membawa anak kedalam keluarga kerajaan Allah.
Tetapi waktu itu, saya menunda hingga 2 tahun agar Josh bisa merasakan moment baptisan ini. Kenyataannya hal ini tertunda lebih banyak tahun karena banyak hal yang terjadi.

Tahun 2015 lalu tepat bulan desember, kami sudah menyiapkan diri kami dan juga Josh, membacakan buku renungan mengenai arti baptisan. Namun sehari menjelang baptisan, Josh sakit, ruam keluar di badannya seperti cacar air. Kami mengingat penularan yg bisa terjadi anak lain yang juga ada di sekitar, sehinga kami terpaksa membatalkan.

Tahun 2016, bulan December tanggal 14, menjadi Hari dimana Josh menerima Baptisan Anak. Dilakukan oleh Gembala Sidang Gereja, disaksikan oleh jemaat. Hari itu orang tua calvin dan sepupu Josh - Adison juga turut hadir menyaksikan Baptisan Josh.
Baptisan menjadi Tanda bagi Josh, ia masuk didalam keluarga Kerajaan Allah.

Setiap kali dimanapun Josh mendengar baptisan, dia mengingat bahwa dia pernah dibaptis. Satu kali mama mendengar di TV channel 21, mengenai tanya jawab, ternyata ada pertanyaan dan bahasan singkat mengenai baptisan. Josh langsung datang ke mama, Ma, aku sudah disucikan pada waktu aku dibaptis, itu kata Pendeta.

Berdoa kiranya Josh boleh hidup suci seturut Firman Tuhan.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Josh - One night Live in

6 Years old, getting into primary one, mark a new chapter in Josh's journey.
Especially after group outing done in last december, it's build his self determination.

It's the first time, he asked us to let him stay over a friend house. Somehow we doubt whether he could act nicely, didn't get into any fight and didn't trouble the family.
Then we give a try, just spending the night and we pick him up tomorrow morning.
He prove us wrong. Josh learn to socialize and live with other family.

Last week, he asked us again to let him stay over again. I know how he want to sleep with a same age sibling.
But nowdays, relatives live far away, and not many same age cousins.
I came to reliaze how rich my childhood social relation, since I have so many cousins on the same generation.
So here Josh have a night party with his friend.
Enjoy it Josh :)

P.s. we have a christian families group. So we knew the parents well that make us decide to let Josh stay over.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Gong xi, Angpao and 6 years old Josh

Happy Chinese New Year. Gong xi Gong xi.
Honestly, I'm not really prepared for the chinese new year. All my mind was focus on decorating the mini garden in my mom house. Yes, I did finished it, and the next day I got cramping leg.

What different this year was Josh reaction to HongPao.
Just year ago, he will give to me, more he didn't care about angpao.
But this year, before the day, Josh told me that he want to buy a toy from his angpao. He also choose his own angpao.

The time is come now, when I need to teach him a simple money management.
How much he can spend, how much he shall save.
I told him that you can spend 10percent or maximum 300thousand IDR.

Yesterday, we went to Toys kingdom. We check out the Lego that he want. I compared with the internet and asked him to wait whether we can have it on cheaper price.
After Lego, he still have a money left, and can buy one more toys.
He keep starring at Meca Blade, there's a video showing how it's play. Very interesting and captivating, and he told us many times that he want this meca blade.
I refused it. Actually i feel bad, I supposed to let him decide. But this toys need a friend to play with. If you have no partner, then I believe he will only play it for 2 days and forget it.

Last time, a similar toy brought by Daddy for Josh, hoping that he will play with his cousin, but that never happen, the toys neglected.
So Daddy have a disccussion with Josh.
Daddy felt bad, and decided to buy 2 meca blade.
But  when Dad want to buy it, suddenly I came with other robot toys - shooting using a marble, so Josh can play individually.
When Josh saw the one that I offer him, He change his mind.
I still wait whether he still want a meca blade or this shooting robot.
Josh just gladly choose the shooting robot.

I didn't know what changing daddy, till he want to buy two meca blade. So on the way back home, daddy told me the story.
Josh told daddy " I really want this meca blade. I will buy one. I will keep it until next year. Then using next year angpao, I will buy another one for you daddy, so we can  play together."
My heart ache, I told daddy, why don't you buy it, why you didn't tell me before.
Daddy said, let Josh learn that you not always got everything you want.
It's still hard and always hard when I think I can give it, but I need to hold my self and let the learning process take place.

Hope you will understand Josh.
We love you. *Hugs and Kisses*