Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Josh and Shopping time

Near Chinese New Year, as a tradition, we brought a new clothes. For me, that become my once a year shopping time for family.
The most difficult one was to find my mom clothes. Don't know why, but seem my mom like to buy valuable clothes means not expensive, quite good fabric, nice model in my mom eyes, that somehow turn to be hard to find. Because good fabric and nice model all expensive.

As a prove, here my lil Josh, getting tired while accompany his grandma. And the next time, he choose to ride the motorcycle to my sista home and played with Alvaro, then accompany us to search again hahahaha.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Grilled Tomato rolled with Pork Belly

Here definitely a favorite dish for Calvin.
Beside the delicious taste, it's easy to cook.
Took the recipe from Japanese drama.

Pork Belly slice
Baby Tomato
Black pepper and Salt
Lay the pork belly slice.
Sprinkle the black pepper and salt at the pork belly slice.
Put the tomato above and roll it.
Put into the stick and grilled it.
When you eat it, the tomato crush and the taste fill all your mouth and the pork slice complete it.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Song - Pass me not, O gentle Savior

Pass me not, O gentle Savior,
Hear my humble cry;
While on others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.

Savior, Savior,
Hear my humble cry,
While on others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.

Let me at Thy throne of mercy
Find a sweet relief;
Kneeling there in deep contrition,
Help my unbelief.

Trusting only in Thy merit,
Would I seek Thy face;
Heal my wounded, broken spirit,
Save me by Thy grace.

Thou the spring of all my comfort,
More than life to me,
Whom have I on earth beside Thee?
Whom in Heav’n but Thee?

Dalam sebulan, aku mendengar dua kali pembahasan mengenai lagu ini.
Dan pada perenungan ku hari ini, aku menyanyikannya kembali, betapa dalam makna kata kata di setiap baitnya. Akupun tersadar bahwa selama ini, jika aku sedang bersenandung maka, melodi lagu ini selalu ada didalamnya.
Sebuah doa pengharapan yang indah.

a Lunch Time - Uncle William and Josh

Miss those moment, could watch both of them enjoying my cook.

I love my Hat

This was Josh's reaction when he like something.
Saw half price Angry Bird Hat, and Daddy agree to brought it for Josh. As far as I remember, Josh never nagging us to brought him something. Yes, he do request it, but if we didn't buy it, he also accept our decision.
He like it till he wear it everywhere.
He kept it clean and put in the drawer.

P.S. I think Josh also learn to appreciate something when he not easy to get it

Play Together - Bugs Building

It's been a long time, I want to buy UNO Stacko, but never fulfill it. So one day we went to ELC and saw a Bug Buildings, look like stacko,with smaller version and funny bug face.
Brought it and Josh learn to play in our spare time. ;)
P.S. Josh's emotion really improved, he will wait for his turn and not get mad if he loose the game. I remind him to just enjoy the game and time with mama.

Book - When I Miss You - Till We Meet Again - Silvia Wiguno & Fung Ing

Satu hari saat menemai Josh ke Gramedia, seperti biasanya Josh akan berkeliling melihat lihat berbagai buku, dan aku juga tak ketinggalan mencari buku baru untuk Josh.
Entah bagaimana, bisa bertemu dengan dua buku ini, letaknya dibawah, terhimpit oleh buku buku lain.
Aku membaca nya disana, dan rasa-rasanya buku ini menurutku sangat baik untuk dibaca oleh kami yang kehilangan.
Kupikir aku boleh memberikannya pada mama.
Pada perjalanannya, Josh pun ingin kubacakan buku ini, dan aku pun boleh mengaitkan apa yang harus Josh lakukan sambil menunggu waktunya bertemu Uncle William kembali.
Masih sering Josh mengucapkan kenapa Uncle tidak kembali kembali. Bersyukur boleh dipertemukan dengan dua buku ini, membantuku menjelaskannya pada Josh dengan sudut pandang blibikal juga.

Kinpira Gobo

Pernah ke supermarket dan melihat satu tanaman seperti bambu ramping yang panjang?. Burdock namanya.
Perkenalan pertama ku adalah saat mama terkena kanker, dan tanaman itu menjadi salah satu dari 5 ingredient yang harus dimasak dalam sup 5warna. Saat dimasak sup, ampasnya akan dibuang, karena secara rasa sudah tidak enak dikonsumsi.

Perkenalan kedua ternyata berbeda. Pembelaan diriku, ada gunanya juga punya kesukaan menonton drama jepang, akhirnya perkenalan dengan burdock berakhir lebih bahagia *hahaha*.
Kali ini dimasak versi jepang. Boleh di search resepnya dengan nama "Kinpira Gobo". Hanya satu ingredient yang kurang yaitu tak sedia sake. 
Tetapi aku suka rasanya dimakan dengan nasi panas. Manis, asin, garing, dengan wijen.

P.S. Aku dan mama suka. Josh juga dapat makan apabila kupotong kecil2. Tetapi kurang sesuai dengan selera Calvin. *hehehe*