Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Friday, 30 January 2015

Tumis Kecombrang Pare Sosis

Dari dulu harusnya sudah sering mencicipi wangi dan harumnya masakan bunga kecombrang, secara Sumatera Utara terkenal Ikan Arsiknya, selain itu masakan peranakan Laksa.

Tapi baru ngeh akan wangi bunga itu dan sayangnya "tidak suka", ketika makan rujak di Singapore, oh tidakkk, betapa enaknya bumbu rujak Indonesia, batinku.
Bayangkanlah rasa bunga kecombrang dalam bumbu rujak. Hmmm tidak kedua kali deh.

Herannya sekarang aku Jatuh Cinta, fall deeply in love. Bagaimana bisa dan mungkin?

Terima kasih untuk agent rumahku yang kenalin makanan pekalongan, Nasi Megono. Panas panas, dengan megono yang sumber utama nya bunga kecombrang. Dimakan dengan sambal dan sepotong ayam goreng, wuihhh nikmat. Maaf yah kalo mendadak lapar bagi yang baca.

Namun, aku belum tergerak membeli bunga itu sendiri. Apalagi masak sendiri.
Sampai tibalah melihat bunga kecombrang dirumah, hasil beli adikku, tak dimasak masak.

Alhasil, nasi gorengpun pake kecombrang, tumis pare pun pakai kecombrang. Jangan lupa selalu ada irisan cabe rawit dalam tumisan, pedas, panas, nikmat *hahaha*. Bisa dibilang aku makan lebih dari yang dibutuhkan. Waspadalah!.

Terus terang tidak semua orang menyukai wangi bunga kecombrang. Dan bagaimana yah kenalin ke Josh. So far kalo makan nasi megono, ada wangi harum bunga kecombrang, dia akan makan saja. (Like mother like son, hohoho.)

Siang ini, selagi mati lampu, dan hanya ada nasi. Pikir pikir, makan apa yah, yang hanya perlu potong-potong tapi tumisnya hanya 1kali saja dan selesai. Ringkas, mencakup semua dan enak.
Jadilah Tumis kecombrang pare sosis (sebenarnya plus jamur portabella juga).

Bawang putih, merah, bombay, cincang (yang mana saja, atau semua biar wangi)
Cabe rawit/keriting (merah, ijo - sesuai selera pedasnya)
Bunga kecombrang potong kecil (baik bunga dan batangnya bisa digunakan)
Jamur portabella atau champigno (tidak terlihat difoto karna tak muat tempatnya ;p)
Daun selada segar
Irisan tomat segar (boleh juga timun).

Tumis dengan minyak kelapa. Taruh hanya sedikit sekali garam, karena kandungan garam dalam sosis sudah tinggi biasanya.
Dan voilaa, Josh senang makan semuanya..
Psttt padahal baru habisin 1bagian sandwich, masih juga habis 1 mangkok nasi.

P.s. untuk sosis sendiri, pilih yang kualitasnya baik. Biasanya harga lebih mahal menentukan porsi kandungan daging dalam sosis.
Tetap lebih baik diganti misalkan dengan daging ayam (misal tanpa tulang goreng tepung kecil2 sebelum ditumis dalam menu diatas).
Maklum, ibu satu ini ingin ringkas hari ini. *blush*.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Chit Chat with Josh - Cerita anak TK - Disneyland Hongkong

Saat kujemput pulang sekolah, kalimat yang langsung diucapkan "mama, saya lapar, saya mau makan."
Herannya, bukannya hari ini dapat makan di sekolah? Hmmmm....
Baru sebentar naik ke atas ojek, topik sudah berpindah.
Ma, disneyland hongkong itu jauh yah?
Dalam hati, Eh... koq bisa bahas soal itu yah...
Josh dengar dari siapa?
Xin xin mau ke disneyland hongkong dan itu jauh sekali.
Iya josh, mesti naik pesawat perginya.
Josh masih asyik dengan pikiran dan topiknya sendiri.

Ternyata pas malam di perjalanan dalam mobil, topik disneyland kembali diangkat.
"Disneyland Hongkong kan jauh ma."
Mama tanya: josh memang duduk dekat xin xin sekarang?
Josh:"Bukan ma, xin xin jauh."
Mama:"Koq bisa ngobrol sama xin xin?"
Josh:"Itu pas lagi baris duduk.
Siapa yg mau ke disneyland hongkong angkat tangan.. kata xin xin begitu.
Aku bilang ke xin xin, brandon juga mau ikut.
Tapi edward bilang disneyland jauh sekali dan capek perginya.."
Mama: "Yah sudah Josh, kita ke disneyland indonesia saja yah, dufan yang dekat, tidak capek..."
Tiba tiba Josh inget bagaimana naik ice age dan sambung cerita..

Mama membayangkan cerita anak TK liburan dijaman mama dulu dengan sekarang. Oh......

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Accidentally Saloon

After three weeks school holiday, one thing that mommy forget, was to cut my hair.

Wait for dad brought me to barbershop has been decade.

So after people around talked about my hair, mom opened her saloon.

Here my look - before and after.
What you like better?

Sunday, 11 January 2015

End of Year School Holiday - Dec2014 to Jan2015

Josh have three weeks school holiday, mama start to think what we can do.
We could not have any out of town holiday, cause Daddy was working.
So, meet and greet a friend shall be a good idea. Mom and son got to socialized ;).

Here the picture where we spent the holiday with friend.
and to end the holiday, build up Lego ^^/.

Yeay, mama got one also ^^

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Chit Chat with Josh 8 January 2014

He walk away from our bedroom bring all his stuff and start to sleep at sofa.
"Josh, why you sleep outside, come and sleep with mama."
After an hour, suddenly rush into bed and cry, hug me tight, and call "papa, papa..."
"What happen Josh?"
" I want to be with papa."
" but papa still at work."
Then he looked at me and stop crying.
" why are you crying Josh?"
" why? Nothing." Smile at me..
Really confused. But I guess, he suddenly felt lonely and miss his daddy. He think his daddy gone.

Then, I asked him, did you want to have a younger sibling?
" boy or girl?"
" cause boy could play lego."
"Oh you want to play with him? Girl can't play lego?"
"Girl play doll mama."
"You can play with her also"
"Ok, I want boy and girl."
Then he count with his hand and showed me, "this is me and two boys and girl"
In total, he wished for two younger brother and one sister.
Hahahaha, our family will expand soon if that happen in one shoot.

At the end I'm amazed of how 4 years old thinking.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Our New Family Member

Another gift from God for our family.
A baby Boy delivered today by my sista.
Names: Alvaro Bennet Tjong.
Can't wait to see him.
Many stories behind the pregnancy also.
My sista and baby is so strong. To saying goodbye to her brother while pregnancy was not easy. Many emotional moment, directly or indirectly impact the baby.
During the third semester, doctor said she shall take caesarian, that on 37 weeks. When she asked the doctor, can we wait?, the doctor refuse it.
My sista need to visit 3 other doctors to confince that her pregnancy was normal dan no medical reason for do caesarian as of 37 weeks and all doctor confirmed it and she has no option to swicth doctor. Cause the prior one, don't give any choice for normal.
Week 40, baby didn't give a sign for delivery. Recent doctor prescribe a medicine for laboring. My sista confuse whether to take it or not.
We still met at 5pm in the mall and we talked about whether she shall take the medicine tonight or not.
First she mostly seem will end up with not taking it. But at night she told me that she took it.
For me at least we try our best to do a normal laboring, but if for medical and safety reason we need to have caesarian, i will fully support my sista also.
Then, at midnight 11.30 she told me she felt a contraction. I asked her to count whether it was real or not.
Then she went to hospital.
Her husband told me when reached hospital, it's already 4.
Then wait a couple minute to 5.
Another stories, the standby doctor told them whether they want caesar procedure, bla bla bla...come on... please somebody let this standby doctor know, still no medical reason for doing caesar while all the sign show that my sista could do normal laboring, Why need to brother her that still waiting in pain. Then suddenly it turn to 9 opening.
Then within couple minute doctor came.
And yes, at 2.01am I guess, baby boy born safely.
Thanks to Doctor Handy.
Congratulation Sandrye and Helena Intan. Wish God showering both of you with wisdom in raising and nurturing Alvaro.
Praise to the Lord.