Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Friday, 30 May 2014

Friday 30th May - William's 2nd Hospitalization

Last wednesday we just have a regular checked with doctor and everything was in a stable condition.
Just in early friday morning my brother suddenly felt nausea and when he vomit, all blood.
And not happen once, but twice. On that moment we grab the chinese medicine to stop internal bleeding.
At 9am we arrived and Doctor decide for him to get hospitalized.
On the afternoon, the 2nd time endoscopy being performed and the Doctor show me the varices esophagus on screen. Done 6 band ligation. This is part of palliative treatment.
Next thing to do, Diet.
Only drink for 24hours, and yeah he felt hungry (that a good feeling actually), then start slowly with puree.
Right now, we just hope his condition getting better.
Prevent him on having cough, nausea, etc which can give high pressure and lead to blood vomit.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Experience the Culinary Torch - Salmon Avocado Roll for Lunch

We brought avocado back to Jakarta. And I was in the mood of trying to used the new stuff - culinary torch.

Then here the result salmon avocado roll. Find a difficult on refill the torch.

Anyway, will try it again next time.

My Daddy, My shelter

Daddy can be a comfy place for me to sleep ^^/

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Jatuh dan Robek di Dagu Anak 4tahun

Hari selasa lalu, mama memutuskan untuk berkunjung ke rumah pho-pho dikarenakan jadwal sekolah Josh yang lebih santai.

Menjelang waktu siang, mama dan Josh sudah siap tidur, tiba tiba Josh ber- ide untuk membawa bola2nya ke atas. Dan karena Josh sudah sering melakukannya sendiri, maka mama membiarkannya.
Tak brapa lama, suara jatuh dantangisan josh terdengar, mama tersontak kaget langsung keluar.

Josh jatuh di tangga dan berdarah.

Pikiran pertama luka didalam mulut, tapi semua baik saja.
Ternyata luka menganga di dagu hampir sekitar 2cm dengan lebar 0.5cm. Luka besar yg pertama mama lihat di Josh. Mama pun jadi cukup histeris dan untungnya ada auntie yg bantu lakukan instruksi mama.
Diambilkan es untuk menghentikan pendarahan dan Info papa untuk menuju ugd rumah sakit dan siap2 menunggu taxi menjemput.

Josh tetap nangis, dia kaget, dan dia minta untuk tidur dikamar atas. Akupun membawa dia kembali ke kamar atas, meniduri nya dengan bersender pada bantal 3 lapis, agar dagu nya menekuk dan lukanya tidak menganga, Josh pun tenang dan hampir tidur.

Sepanjang jalan menuju rumah sakit, Josh tidur. Dalam hati cuma berharap ini tidak perlu sampai harus jahit. Ada penyesalan kenapa ijinkan Josh ambil bola lagi, padahal sudah berbaring siap tidur. Tapi sudahlah, bersyukur bahwa hanya luka di dagu, tidak sampai kebentur kepala belakang, dsb.

Sampai di ugd, papa sudah disana dan oleh dokter diperiksa, dan untunglah memang saran dokter karena luka tidak dalam, dan guna meminimalisasi trauma pada anak, maka digunakanlah produk dermabond, alias lem untuk jaringan luar.

Untuk menaruh lem ini saja, sulit. Tidak terbayang jika harus dijahit. Sigh.

Sesudah semua selesai dan tiba dirumah, Josh sudah kembali ceria. Josh juga berani naik tangga (awalnya mama duga dia akan takut), dan juga lahap dalam makan.

Mama dibekali obat antibiotik, sebelum memutuskan untuk meminumkannya mama tanya ke Josh apakah sakit? Nyut2 di luka?
Josh jawab tidak. Dan juga tidak ada pendarahan.

Gaya Josh juga kembali biasa, hanya dengan dagu berperban.
Sore harinya Josh kita tanya bagaimana jatuhnya, dan dia cerita sambail nunjuk di tangga, dia bilang hanya dagu saja yg kena, semua yg lain tidak.

Hari jumat kemarin, kita ganti perbannya (disarankan untuk diganti oleh dokter),dan terlihat luka nya sudah mengering. Hope next week sudah bisa dilepas perbannya. We love you Josh.

P.S. untuk bahan bacaan:

Friday, 23 May 2014

A Week in Sydney with Josh

Only four of us who travelled together, as Daddy shall stay due to work matter.

Where we stayed?
Adina Hotel Apartment - Central, Lee Street. 2bedroom with a reasonable price.
Booked by uncle so we didn't have any idea about the hotel.
Located beside the Central Train Station (as naming central, means the center where all train stop there), Just in front of hotel, there is Bus stop.
Can walk to City Market (Paddys Market), Chinatown.

Taxi is very expensive. Since we been picked up in airport by relative, we didn't have to pay taxi.
Heard that Taxi From/To Airport Hotel: 4person might cost around 50AUD.

Bus, Train and Ferry.
If you spent a week in Sydney, brought My Multi Pass weekly card will be very convinience, save your time and pocket.
We didn't brought it as some of time we went out with relative.
There is a Free Shuttle Bus No.555, stop in front of Hotel Bus station - From Central - to Main Hall,George Street - to Circular Quay.

Place visited:
* Veggie and Fruit market - brought lot of avocado. Yummy, love australia avocado. The price is cheaper compare to the supermarket. But be aware not everyday the market open.
* Taronga Zoo is a must. Josh love it to see lot of animal, me too...
* Ok, of course Darling Harbour, on day n night.
* Blue Mountain, just get the train from Central station, beside our hotel.
* Lot's of store and store. I love to visit the book store or art and craft, or ingredient section, sometime I could find something that I still couldn't find in here.
* Eat and eat. Ok, for me the chinese food is taste so good as I was in HK. Of course, we also visit Fish Market.

P.s. this writing was supposed to be posted May last year. But I couldn't finished it as I'm concerned with my brother illness. But recently, Calvin encourage me to write and post again as he know I love to take a look of past memory.