Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Monday 26 August 2013

Josh Night out

Last Saturday, 24 August 2013, for the first time ever, Josh didn't sleep with Us.
It started with we visited Pho-Pho house and played with Auntie Helen and San-san.
Josh ate a lot that day, every single thing he saw, he asked his aunt or his pho-pho to opened it.
He seem to know that mom will reject his request for snack.

The clock showing 10.00 pm, and I asked Josh to go home.
Josh refuse it and said "I will stay at Pho-Pho house, with Auntie".
Then I told him "Ok, I will pick you up tomorrow morning, It's same with school, I leave you and I pick up later on."
Josh: "Oke Mama".

Before Leave, I asked him again "are you sure you wanna stay here? Papa and Mama will go home now, we will leave you"
Josh: "Yes, I will stay here. Mama Papa Go"
He also waved goodbye to us.

I just told Papa that he need to came back later on in case Josh's cried on midnight.
After we left, my sista confirm once again with Josh, in case he changed his mind, we still not far away.
Auntie Helen: "Josh, are you sure you wanna stay here, your mama and papa have gone home now".
Josh: "Mama will pick me tomorrow morning".
Auntie Helen was surprise with his answer.

Then yeah, 3 person took care of my lil Josh that night. They cleaned him, talk with him before sleep, even wake on the middle of the night only to let Josh pee.
And that the first night I sleep without waking up. Even though I'm happy with my sleeping time, but I felt lonely also without him. (even for a night :p)
Anyway, It's a good exercise for my heart, as I could felt how's he really means for me..

Love you Josh!.

Everyone told me, It's show that Josh is ready for a lil sista or brother. Hope so baby ^^/.

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