Moments and Memories
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Dating with Josh - Movie time - Cinemaxx Junior
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Ant and Josh
I always said to Josh that we shall caring for God's creature.
Josh knew that all animal created by God.
Yesterday night, after dinner, Josh didn't put the plate on sink. Then, a bariccade of ant surround the plate.
I came and took it, then used a wet napkin, swept all the ant.
There one ant left, and Josh's reaction surprise me.
Mom, you shouldn't kill the ant.
The ant left alone now. Mom, you kills the other..
Josh start to cry. He protect the last ant survive, and blame me for the condition.
He said, ant is God's creature, we shall take care of them.
Hmmm... mom said sorry to Josh.
Ok, next time mom will move them back to their place.
And how about you clean your dirty plate, so the ant won't come into the table.
Josh agreed, he stop crying and he keep looking at the last ant.
To explain more about "rule over all the creatures" according to Genesis, will be very challenging.
Monday, 28 March 2016
6 Years old to be Josh, Pho-Pho, and Whatsapp Messenger
Josh asked me, Mom, did Pho-pho stay at our house now?
Mom: No Josh, Pho-pho stayed in Jelambar.
Josh: Why? Why Pho-pho didn't stay at our house. I want Pho-pho to stay with us, in our house.
Mom still on driving,: Ok Josh, how about you called Pho-pho and said it directly to her.
Josh took my phone, but instead of calling, he did text messaging.
I didn't realize it till he said to me. This the first time he did it and it's initiated
by him self.
Josh: Mom, I write to Pho-pho. I can write now. But why pho-pho didn't reply me.
Mom still on surprise: Wow Josh, you can texting now. Ok, just asked pho-pho why there was no reply.
Josh continue the texting.
Unfortunately, there was no reply until we arrived home.
But suddenly Pho-pho called, I think she also surprise to get message from her grandson.
They both chat in the phone.
Later Pho-pho reply the message and Josh shout to me: Mom see, I got reply from Pho-pho.
Now, Josh got to enjoy the messaging.
I have struggling to explain the usage of the phone to him. But nowdays, when he can read and write, it's become another tools for him to practice and he really happy with it of course when we used it wisely.
Friday, 25 March 2016
Family Fun Day - Taman Safari
Dinner with my Best friend
After a long wait, finally today I could visit her new home after marriage blessing.
Plan to cook something, end up only preparing the green salad hehehe. (Miscalculating my time).
Talk and talk and I love it.
One memorable moment, when Josh want to start dinner and I asked all of us to pray together.
First, I asked Ivan to pray for us. Suddenly Josh said, yes, the head of family. (As the head of family shall lead us to pray). And he continued said that there were 2 head of family (calvin n Ivan). When Yohana asked Josh, who shall pray then?. Josh answered: my daddy of course.
It's time for daddy to be an example for Josh, as the head of family, Daddy lead us to pray.
When your children already point out the right thing to do, don't make excuse but be an example.
It's quite fun when daddy couldn't asked mom to pray xixixi.
Forgot to took a picture. Next time shall take one for our memory.
Wait for the next dinner hehehe.
Saturday, 12 March 2016
Mellow March
Instead of my wedding anniversary or Calvin birthday, my mind seem to flash back about the first time I receive his call from Malang, to let me know his condition and, how I met him at the airport and it's shocking me. How I tried to hide his illness from my mom, and arrange for doctor, and try to keep everything normal.
I couldn't tell it to a person, cause sometime people misunderstand me, that I couldn't move on.
But, It's just me, sometime I could sit back and my mind just flying back to my old memories.
Hmmm, but, this year 2016 March, I have another memories about the Sovereignty of God.
Why it's happen in March? For I know, God is good.
Friday, 11 March 2016
Morning Car Talk with Daddy
Josh: Pa, House of Trap itu keren loo..
Pa: Tapi nanti permainannya gelap loo Josh.
Josh: Tak apa Pa, Nanti sebelum masuk, aku berdoa dulu.
Monday, 7 March 2016
7Years Anniversary
7March, 7 Years ago, we stand in front of church altar and vowed to become a Godly husband and wives.
This year might be special, as this the first time we spend our anniversary in distance.
I have been finished the mission trip, and still continue stay in my hometown.
I have been blessed could see how God work through everything.
7 years has passed, many year more to come. May both of us, could cherish each and day by day we learn to become a Godly couple and may everything we do, bring Glory to our Lord.
I love you my dear Calvin