Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Monday 15 July 2013

First Day at School

Yeay, on 15 July, Josh officially starting his school activity :p.

First day on school, we arrived 15 minutes before the class.
Children all line up, and I asked Josh to do the same.
Teacher sing a song.

At 9am, Teacher took them to their class.
Josh didn't cry at all, even he didn't saw me and he listened to his teacher.
While some of the children crying, other played with the toys, Josh sit on his chair and starring around as still try to adapt with his new environment.

They main activities for the 1st was singing.

I shall wait on the front class, but on the 1st day they allowed parent to wait inside the class also.
And, cause I'm curious, I just sit behind the class. Eeeehh, suddenly Josh turn his head and look at me, and gave me a big smile, he felt relieved that he found me.

Till one accident, A girl with huge body size (I guess 2 times bigger than Josh), she suddenly pushed Josh without reason till Josh fall down.
Josh was shock and when Teacher hug him, he was start to cry. Then he run to me, asked me to bring his bag, and go home *sigh*.
I explained to Josh the situation, and he shall forgive his friend. But he keep crying.
So I bring him to toilet, after pee and washing his hand, he calm down.

When we back to class, they start the fishing activities.
Took the fish and each children got one fish  on the plastic bag as their gift.
Anyway, Josh love the fish and the activity.
but me, hmmmm, seem like their torturing the fish :(.
I kept telling Josh not to shake the plastic bag.

As soon as we went home, I move the fish and try to feed.
Hopefully, it's won't die soon.

Snack time.
For the first week, He will only spent one hour at class.
So I bring a fruit for him with a cute stick.
He finished his breakfast right before arrived school.
He didn't have appetite when Teacher as him to eat his snack :p.
Beside, the other kid bring cookies, bread, some of them bring rice also.

I have plan to bring Jelly tomorrow, I bet he will finished it all :p

Josh, Jia yoo!

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