Moments and Memories

Moments and Memories

Monday, 30 June 2014

Holiday - Day 8 - Lego Built Up Time

Josh got Lego as his Birthday Gift from Uncle William and us (mom and dad).
Josh kept asking me accompany him build the Lego.
I haven't browse any activity idea, so I quickly agree with him.

Start at 10.30 am, Josh was very enthusias.
He kept told me that we shall not played at the bed, afraid some part might gone. Yes dear, we built on the floor ^^.

Josh arrange the part based on the colour.
From the beginning, I told him that this was his project. If he aksed me to built it, we can stop immediately. 
I will only help him to open the intruction book page one by one and point if there something miss.

There was 2 plastic bag.
The first one, finished in one hours. Fuih...
I asked whether he tired and want to stop. Seem his curiosity above all, he asked me to continue.

The second part, finished around 30minutes more.
Josh was very happy :). Good job my son.

Comparing to his first built up Firetruck Lego last year, I think he could do it without me next time. Right now, I felt, he feel confidence if I'm supporting him.

What Josh might learn during the process:
- 3 dimension play time
- follow picture instruction
- persistency and patient

For me, learn to wait and learn to not interfere when he might do the mistake.

Lego time anyone?

P.S. I kept the box, plastic bag, intruction book well. If one day he didn't play it anymore, I think to pull out part by part and keep it ready for another re-built Lego time.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Birthday Cake Project - Angry Bird

From long time ago, I browse birthday cake picture and save it. I'm not okay in decorating the cake and I prefer to used simple ingredient (no fondant please), then finally I found a Lion birthday cake which suitable me and look very cute for lil Boy.

Just a week before, when I asked him about the cake, he told me that he want angry bird cake. Oh oo....

All blame to me, I let Josh follow the meet and greet angry bird show in mall near our area, there was a short game play, soccer area, and dance. Josh suddenly fall in love with angry bird.
I guess the angry bird era has passed but my son just fall in love with the bird.

Since this was count as the first time he express his desire for having a birthday cake with choosen character, I try to accomodate it.

Just one day before the birthday, I remember I save an angry bird fruit platter shown as bellow. Asked my sista to brought strawberry and she agree to help me baked the cake.

At the day, my sista and I baked a chocolate cake, used the old recipe here. As I didn't have extra large egg, I just add more egg, and somehow it turn out of expected even it was eatable.

The cream? Ooooh noo... I forgot to melt the sugar, so it's mess texture.

Instead making the lion birthday cake and angry bird fruit platter, we combine it into angry bird fruit cake.

Fruit Ingridient: Strawberry, Dried blueberry, Apple and Manggo (took in front of our house).

What you think?
Even the texture kinda out of expected, the taste turn out good and balance ^^.

What the most important, the Birthday boy happy and like to eat the cake.

I didn't know who the initiator of making this fruit platter, try to search it already. The credit is given to the initiator.

Holiday - Day 3 - Cooking with Mama - Pizza

Saat mama bertanya apa yang ingin Josh makan, Josh meminta mama membuat pizza untuknya.
Tak apalah sesekali membuat makanan yang diinginkan. Dan ini bisa jadi kebersamaan mama dengan Josh.

Dimulai dari membuat adonan.
Sambil menunggu adonan mengembang, mama dan Josh membereskan rumput di taman.
Kira kira sejam kemudian, saatnya men-roll adonan, dan menaruh bahan bahan.

Resep pizza dough, click disini.
Isi pizza:
Pepper Salami
Keju Mozzarella
Dengan saos Tomat sebagai dasarnya.

Selesai dipanggang, Josh makan dengan lahap.
Mama menaruh irisan bawang bombay untuk menambah kesegaran si pizza.

Chit chat with Josh - 3 July 2014

Josh dapat hadiah lego untuk ulang tahunnya. Kemudian, dia meminta mama untuk boleh memasang lego tersebut.
" satu bulan satu yah" supaya Josh benar2 bermain dahulu sebelum beralih kepada yg lain.
"Ok, yuks pasang ma."
"Ok, cuci muka dulu yah, biar nanti selesai main bisa langsung tidur" (mengingat jam sudah larut dan pasanh lego tentu makan waktu).
Saat cuci muka, tiba tiba Josh menyeletuk, "kalo saya mandi, nanti dapat lego yang besar ya?"
"Erhmmm, enggak Josh, tetap saja lego lainnya tunggu waktu nya buka ok."
"Kan kalo gosok gigi dapat buka lego kecil, kalo mandi lego besar".
"Erhmm enggak nak, yuks cepat gosok giginya biar bisa cepat2 pasang lego."
Mama yg berusaha mengalihkan sang anak yang mengambil kesimpulannya sendiri.

Josh tiap kali mau digendong selalu bertanya pada mama, mama punya dede?
Mama: Belum Josh.
Josh: Ooo iya, ya Josh sudah berat.
Mama: Enggak apa apa, mama masih belum punya dede, kalo sudah yah mama gendong Josh nya sambil duduk diranjang ajah yah.
Josh: Iya.
Mama yg masih lanjut bertanya: Josh, memang dede nya mau dipanggil siapa?
Josh: Hmmm apa yah? Joshua ajah deh?
Mama tertawa sambil berpikir, mungkin Josh bingung makanya ditambahin ajah deh jadi Joshua.

Holiday - Day 7 - Sunday School

As my mom and brother spent the night in our home, we decided to go the Karawaci Church.

The problem when we go to another chuch was Josh.
So We arrived earlier, so Josh could get familiar with the Sunday School.

Nah, because he love to read the brave David story, we emphasize him that he practice as brave david if he could enter the sunday school class without us. Cause just like God with David, God will accompany you also.
He entered the class with me and I introduce him to two other children and left him there.

At the end of sunday service, I look at him from window and he could follow the class like usual.

Learn to adapt to new situation and environment.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Holiday - Day 2 - Science Experiment - Air, Lada dan Sabun

Selama liburan sekolah, mama berpikir dan mendata kegiatan apa saja yang kira kira seru dilakukan selama liburan. Salah satunya yang terpikir adalah Science Experiment.
Menulusuri Internet untuk mencari ide-ide yang mudah dipraktekkan dengan bahan disekitar.

Jadi hari kedua, siapkan:
- Air di mangkok atau piring
- Tabur lada di atasnya.
- Sabun cair untuk ditaruh di jari tangan.

Setelah semua selesai, satu dua tiga, mama ajak Josh taruh jari nya ke piring.
Voila... lihat apa yang terjadi.

Kenapa yah bisa begitu?
Penjelasannya sih bisa panjang.
Mama hanya ingin menarik perhatian Josh dan bertanya tanya. Semoga seiring bertambah umurnya, maka Josh dapat mengerti jawaban dibalik percobaan ini ^^/.

P.S. Hati-hati lada dirumah habis, lantaran mama diminta Josh buat percobaan ulang terus lantaran seru nya melihat perubahan yang terjadi ^^.

Holiday - Day 6 - End of Semester KTB - Ancol Beach Pool

Early in the morning, Five Family all lived in Tangerang agree to have the last KTB in Ancol area. 
We choose the beach pool as kids could enjoy their time.
Each family bring potluck and we having a breakfast together.
While parent being remind again about love and respect between husband and wife, it was nice to watch how our children interact to each other. Hopefully one day they could become a bother or sister in Christ who support each other.
At first Josh asked me whether I bring a spare cloth, when I said yes, he then just played freely in water. I really appreciate how you could give a question like that my son ^^ hug.

Holiday - Day 5 - Mall - Check Minion Ice Skate Rink

One day before birthday, mom was busy clean up the kitchen area. Josh played by him self.
At night took him to Alam Sutra mall, check out the minion ice scating rink. Before that, I told Daddy, how about we let Josh cook in Lekker bekker like Faith did, but Daddy turn down the offer.
But seem the time for ice scating was not enough (think to try in Taman Anggrek), we just brought a candle and headed home. Not forget to pose with minion (requested by Josh).

Friday, 27 June 2014

Holiday - Day 1 - Kidzania with friend

School hokiday come, means Josh will spent day to day time with me.
As we didn't have any holiday plan, I try to challenge my self, for making the holiday fun.

I book the seat for Kidzania on 23th June, it will be a great start for Josh as he never been there before.
Later on I found out that 4years old really suitable for experience the Kidzania for first timer.
We start at 6am from serpong, we ride on Matteo's car and guess what, We arrived near 8am in the morning in pacific place and let josh finish his breakfast.
Hmmm almost 2 hours ride from serpong, a long line up for entering the city gate.
As we brought a group ticket, the price was 95.000 IDR for kids and for me 90.000 IDR. But there is a time limitation, only from 9am to 2pm since it's school holiday.

Click here for more Kidzania Information.

For a first timer like me, we need to asked the step, like changing the money in bank, etc.
We need to queue for every class that we want to enter and it's running for appx 20minutes.
Josh started with Fire fighter, sadly the arena for shoot the water was under renovation, so they only round the Kidzania area.

Pay close attention
Josh also try to making chocolate.

Listen to intructor
Then Josh making noddle, follow the magic class and making bread.

Ride on taxi, and you need to pay it

At lunch time, mostly the food was fast food, like burger, chicken, nugget, pizza, etc. Forgot to asked can we have a break from kidzania and went outside for lunch.
Anyway, we just have whatever serve there considering the time limitation.

After lunch, Josh could still played two more class, construction site and become a painter.


He surely enjoy the place, may be we could visit it next time and let him played another role.

Holiday - Day 4 - Science Experiment - Egg Floating and Hidden Message

Menemukan website ide science experiment for kids here.
Mama memilih yang berkaitan dengan Telur (yups telur di kulkas lagi banyak, kalo pecah bisa diganti).

Percobaan pertama: Telur mentah vs Telur  matang.
Mama ajak Josh memutar kedua telur yang ada, dan coba tebak dari putaran itu, mana telur yg mentah, mana telur yg matang?
Penjelasan mengapa ada dalam web diatas.

Percobaan kedua: Telur mengapung.
Pada dasarnya telur akan tenggelam ketika berada didalam air.
- Mama kasih lihat Josh, awal telur tenggelam didalam air.
- Josh buat air garam, (taruh garam yg banyak sekali - kalo di web 6sendok).
- Taruh telur didalam air garam, lihat!
Ternyata telurnya mengapung!.
Kenapa yah?
Kepadatan air garam jauh lebih tinggi daripada air tawar.
Lebih lengkapnya boleh click web diatas.

P.S. Josh senang melihat kenapa bisa begitu, dan meminta mama untuk mengulang kembali. Wallah nak, garam mama habis ^^.

Selain kedua hal diatas, mama tergelitik saat menemukan web yang mencoba membuat hidden message seperti di film2 kerajaan jaman dulu.

Bahan Hidden message:
Air Jeruk nipis/jeruk lemon
Kuas atau jari tangan.

Minta Josh untuk tulis keatas kertas dengan air perasan jeruk.
Tunggu sampai kertas benar2 kering.
Untuk tahu apa yg ditulis, nyalakan lilin dan pelan2 tulisan akan timbul.

P.S. lakukan dekat dengan saluran air keran, kalo kalo kertas terlalu dekat dan terbakar langsung bisa disiram air :).

Friday, 20 June 2014

Banana Leaf

During holiday time, I took Josh walk around neighboorhood. 
That when I snap at Banana tree, I thought to take some of the leaf used to wrap a grilled fish.
Cause some of tree is very high, I try to search for a young and low one.
Ups.. suddenly there was a middle man asked me what I'm doing.
I asked him could I take the leaf?
He then asked what is my purpose.
I said that I wanna grill fish.
He then offer me to wait while he will take the leaf for me.
Different banana tree give a different leaf flavour when you grill it, that what he explained for me.
I will end up with a bitter one if I just taken  randomly.
Yeay, I got alot then happily walk home.

As I will not using it all, how about turn it into a hula dress for josh.

Here the result. He enjoyed to played it for a while hehehe.

P.S. To keep banana leaf for longer usage, keep it in refrigerator.

DIY - Funtastic Corn

After playing with Banana Leaf, Josh then asked me to make the angry bird from the  corn material.

The material was brought by Josh' uncle years ago.
It's easier for children. Just need water to combine it all.

So here Josh and his angry bird.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Badminton with Josh

Badminton anyone?

While waiting for my mom medical treatment last year in Penang, I took Josh to brought some game in supermarket. Then, I spotted a children racket (not a plactic one, but similar to the real one just it came on the small size).

At first, Josh didn't really love it. He couldn't smash the ball yet. It took a while till he could smash the ball.
Nowdays he could return the ball consecutively and enjoy the game with us.

Everything need a first step, and sometime it's not always smooth, be courage, continuously trying and one day we shall see the result of our step.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Ludo Games - Get the Learning Process

I brought the Ludo games (a board game) for Josh thinking that It's might be great for us to join the games (4 player at a time) and luckyly I found the ludo in nice children character package.

The other reason I brought new games, I think because I get lazy nowdays if Josh asked me to play the car or train.

When Josh played the games, his character showed up.
At first, we spare him so he could learn the game first, but we then start to played fairly.

Surprisingly, when he get kick back home, he stopped playing, eventhough the game still far from end and he still leading the game. It's kinda means he gave up before end.

So what we do?
Keep playing the game whenever we have time. Yes, keep play.

From the games, Josh could learn to:
1. To wait the Turn
2. Count the step and learn strategy
3. Play fairly till the end
4. Accept when you get cross or get kick back home.
5. Accept when you win or loss.

There was a time when me, Josh and auntie play. Then he stop when he get kick. I told him that he shall played fairly beside that we never know who will win yet so just keep playing, just keep trying.
For this time, he listen to us. He start to played. And Guess what, at the end He win the games (note: we didn't spare him).
Josh really happy and I congratulate him.
Then, I aksed him, do you happy?. Yes.
Do you see mommy cry or stop playing when you win?. No.
So Josh, hopefully next time you didn't gave up. We nener know the result, just keep trying, ok. Even if you loss, just accept like mommy did, ok.

Conclusion: will search another game ha ha ha.
Honestly, it's far more better than sit in front of ipad or tv. At least during the game we got to chit chat, and spend the real time together, do you think the same?

Baby versus Big Boy

Didn't remember when it's the first time we let Josh know, he is big boy now.

What I feel this couple of month, he didn't like when I did something that he tought it was for baby. Let say, I cuddle him on my arm, or hold him while bath time,etc.

But Josh still asked me to do things that I wish he could do it him self.
For example, wear his cloth, open the zipper, eat by him self, etc.

So today, I kinda used the wording "Baby vs Big Boy".

Starting from the morning. When he played his remote control car, the battery fall out, then he get up set and hurried asked me to fix it. While I'm on texting replying message. I told him to wait a while till I finished, he keep grumbling.
After that, I told him, Josh are you big boy? If you think you are, big boy could used a nice word and wait his turn. While baby can't talk yet, so they grumble or cry to get attention. Suddenly Josh talk nicely to me. Hmm it sound work well.

When bathing time done, he asked me to help him wear his cloth otherwise he will run nakedly.. hmmm, then I told him, Baby is smaller kids, they always need mommy to help them wear the cloth. Do you want me to help you? Or you want to try as big boy?. then suddenly he took his cloth and try to wear it. And I give applause for his effort.

When eating time come, I said how about if you eat by your self big Boy. And yeah, he follow my order. (He eat by him self in school, but in home sometime he still asked me to feed him so he can do something else).

I guess Josh is proud that he growth and become a big boy and he could do a lot thing. He really like when I praise him after he did something.
But I realized I shall used this wording wisely. I didn't want it's end up he teasing other, saying other as baby when they couldn't do something.
I just want to show him the difference between baby and big boy on giving reaction, on doing thing because they differs in nature (age, ability). Hopefully, by saying in a positive way (never tease him as baby), he could growing to be a positive person also.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Learn and Reward - Josh Preschool

When school near end class holiday, teacher will be so busy prepare for report, and etc. Again this week Josh have 2 days off, since both of us having flu and cough since monday, so we decided to stay at home.
My brother still in the hospital but his condition getting better.
I need to think what to do with this lil boy. Asking him to do home task with me will be a great idea, but will he listen to my request?
Then I came out with reward idea, for one task he done with me, I will give him a sticker and when he collect ten sticker, he can request one thing.
He was so excited and keep asking me what else to do for got the sticker.
Here list of the task that he done with me, start with:
1. Place the cloth for laundry
2. Make up the bed
3. Arrange spoon and fork
4. Washing dish
5. Clean up the bathroom
6. Wear his own shirt after bath
7.Take the dry cloth from hanger
8. Put the damp cloth to hanger
9. Eat by him self.
10. Clean up the toys and give a snack for  kid pass in the front of our house.
After got ten sticker, he aksed me to watch movie in ipad. Then yeah 30minutes given.
I hope he learn that later in his life, he need to work out eagerly.

P.S. Above chores shall be done without any reward anyway. But my first intention just to have some activity involving house hold chores. In the future, we still need to encourage him took part on helping us doing the chores cause he need to.